: [: too many arguments in for -f in if

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting : [: too many arguments in for -f in if
# 8  
Old 07-12-2011
Originally Posted by ajaypatil_am
but when file does not exist it is giving "mv: cannot access .......pathname"
what is mean by file does not exist ?

Is your file name has multiple words ?

eg: filename : abcd efgh.s ( there is space b/w d and e )
# 9  
Old 07-12-2011
file does not exis = when there are no files at the given path
this scenario i just want "File Move -Fail" but currently along with "File Move -Fail" "mv: cannot access" is also getting displayed which I do not want ....
No file names do not have 'space' character ...it has '-' though ...
e.g filenames ...

Originally Posted by itkamaraj
what is mean by file does not exist ?

Is your file name has multiple words ?

eg: filename : abcd efgh.s ( there is space b/w d and e )
# 10  
Old 07-12-2011
ok, try this..

$? is a special variable which tells, the previous command is success or not.

if it holds 0, then it success.

ls -l /a/b/c/d/e/K*-*-*-*.s > /dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]
 for i in /a/b/c/d/e/K*-*-*-*.s; 
       #Here you can get the files one by one using $i
       mv $i newPath
       [ "$?" -eq "0" ] && echo "$i : File Move -Successful" || echo "$i : File Move -Failed"
 echo "File does not exits"

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# 11  
Old 07-12-2011
itkamaraj Thank you for your help ...the final working code for me for the benefit of other users / readers .......
ls -l path/name/K-*.s > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
for i in path/name/K-*.s ;
mv -f $i new/path/name
[ "$?" -eq "0" ] && echo "$i : File Move -Successful" || echo "$i : File Move -Failed"
 echo "Files does not exits"

My real question here is like "K-*.s" I have 6 more patterns e.g K-*.gz , K-*.ff and so on at ....at path/name and ajay/x/y/z path .......one way is i can repeat the same above code 6 times to achieve this ....is there any other way which will do this in one shot so that i do not end repeating same code 6 times ......?

Originally Posted by itkamaraj
ok, try this..

$? is a special variable which tells, the previous command is success or not.

if it holds 0, then it success.

ls -l /a/b/c/d/e/K*-*-*-*.s > /dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]
 for i in /a/b/c/d/e/K*-*-*-*.s; 
       #Here you can get the files one by one using $i
       mv $i newPath
       [ "$?" -eq "0" ] && echo "$i : File Move -Successful" || echo "$i : File Move -Failed"
 echo "File does not exits"

Last edited by Franklin52; 07-12-2011 at 05:51 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags for code and data samples, thank you
# 12  
Old 07-12-2011
# 13  
Old 07-18-2011
well ...back to the original topic of getting "too many arguments" error
....it was not because of " -f "

The problem was when i was running the script like "sh scriptname" it was running fine but for just "scriptname" it was giving above error.....

well , it was related with the default shell. I had set it as “#!/bin/bash” now I have changed it to “#!/bin/sh” and script is working fine ....


---------- Post updated at 06:05 AM ---------- Previous update was at 06:03 AM ----------

itkamaraj ,
we CAN use -f, if we want to use the * in our pattern (at least this is working fine in sh shell...not sure about other shells ).Experts please comment ....
the problem was related to the default shell...


Originally Posted by itkamaraj
you cannot use -f, if you want to use the * in your pattern.

for i in /a/b/c/d/e/K*-*-*-*.s; 
       #Here you can get the files one by one using $i
       mv $i newPath
       [ "$?" -eq "0" ] && echo "$i : File Move -Successful" || echo "$i : File Move -Failed"

# 14  
Old 07-18-2011
The problem was too many arguments, just like it said.
Your wildcard pattern K*-*-*-*.s matched more than one file, or there was a space in the filename. However, the [ -f file ] test expects exactly one file.
To test for existence of multiple files, the most common way is to make a loop:
for i in /path/name/K-*.s ; do
  if [ -f "$i" ] ; then
    echo "file $i exists"
    echo "$i does not exist, or is not a regular file"

Please not the quotes in the test, "$i", which will make it only one argument even for filenames with spaces.
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