zsh compare size pdf and delete bigger?

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# 1  
Old 07-10-2011
zsh compare size pdf and delete bigger?

I have used an script to reduce the size of multiples pdf. This script creates files with the same name but with different extension. The extension of the compressed files is xpdf. Sometimes the "compressed" xpdf are bigger than the "uncompressed"pdf. I want to create a zsh script to compare each compressed with its respectively uncompressed and delete the one that has a bigger size. Can you give some advice?
# 2  
Old 07-10-2011
confirm you can get the size by command : stat -c %s yourfile, otherwise, replace by :

ls -l $pdf | awk '{ print $5}'

for pdf in *.pdf
   Spdf=$( stat -c %s $pdf)
   if [ -f $xpdf ] ; then
      Sxpdf=$( stat -c %s $xpdf)
      echo "$xpdf is not exist"
   # delete the bigger one 
   if [ "$Spdf" -gt "$Sxpdf" ]; then
      rm $xpdf
      mv $xpdf $pdf

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