Foreach statement error in cshell

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Foreach statement error in cshell
# 1  
Old 07-06-2011
Question Foreach statement error in cshell

while executing the following c-shell script i got the error
"Couldn't find an 'end' to close a 'foreach' statement"
can't find the mistake ...plz help..

script ::

echo "enter build folder name in following sequence L-<REV>_<BUILD>"
set BUILD = $<
set file= `cat file1`
foreach i ($file)
 if (! -e N:\$BUILD\$i) then
  echo "$i not found"
  $i >> fail.txt
  echo "Copying $i"

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Mod Comment Please use [CODE] tags when posting source listings, console output, ...
# 2  
Old 07-06-2011
make sure there is no space after the end and no emptyline after end
# 3  
Old 07-06-2011
CPU & Memory another error

Thanks for your reply but,
when I remove any new line after end. it gives me the following error.

"A newline is needed at the end of a command line. Hit end-of-file"
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