Bash to monitor Modified Files/Directories

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Bash to monitor Modified Files/Directories
# 1  
Old 07-06-2011
Bash to monitor Modified Files/Directories

Hi All ,

I have a directory called "/usr/local/apache/docs/" inside this docs i have below directories ,
bash-2.05# pwd
bash-2.05#ls -l | less
   2 drw-r-xr-x   3 root     root         512 Aug  8  2010 Form1
   2 drw-r-xr-x   3 root     other        512 Mar  8  2011 Narrowchart
   2 drw-r-xr-x   3 root     other        512 Mar 23  2011 Followers

Inside above directories[Form1,Narrowchart..etc. ] i have subdirectories and files , I am looking for a bash script to monitor the directory "/usr/local/apache/docs/ continuously , and if any directory or files modified under this directory [/usr/local/apache/docs/ ]or its sundirectories [/usr/local/apache/docs/Form1/] that needs send a email to administrator .

Last edited by pludi; 07-06-2011 at 06:23 AM..
# 2  
Old 07-06-2011
What does "modifed" mean in this context. Modified in the past 30 minutes,1hr or past 2 or 3 days..?
find /usr/local/apache/docs/ -mmin -30 # finds all files modified in the past 30 minutes
find /usr/local/apache/docs/ -mtime -1 # find files modified within the past 24 hours

# 3  
Old 07-06-2011
read about inotify or rsync
# 4  
Old 07-06-2011
use inotify to monitor file system event
# 5  
Old 07-08-2011
Originally Posted by gnanasekar_beem
Hi All ,

I have a directory called "/usr/local/apache/docs/" inside this docs i have below directories ,
bash-2.05# pwd
bash-2.05#ls -l | less
   2 drw-r-xr-x   3 root     root         512 Aug  8  2010 Form1
   2 drw-r-xr-x   3 root     other        512 Mar  8  2011 Narrowchart
   2 drw-r-xr-x   3 root     other        512 Mar 23  2011 Followers

Inside above directories[Form1,Narrowchart..etc. ] i have subdirectories and files ,
I am looking for a bash script to monitor the directory "/usr/local/apache/docs/ continuously ,
and if any directory or files modified under this directory [/usr/local/apache/docs/ ]
or its sundirectories [/usr/local/apache/docs/Form1/] that needs send a email to administrator .
I try to write a script for this issue Smilie
#mkdir newfolder newfolder111 ; touch newfile newfile111 testfile ; echo "1212">>newfileaddbyte ; rm -f file

for example ; we want to check folder activitys for 1 minute interval (60 sec)
# ./ /usr/local/apache/docs 60
Please wait.. Preparing File Lists!!
Lists OK!!
         [Detected change of size]
        File Name(s)            Difference (Bytes)
-----------------------------   ------------------------
/usr/local/apache/docs/newfileaddbyte         +5 bytes
          [End of summary list]
      [Detected new created files]                                                       [Type]
         ---------------------                                                      ----------------
> 0 /usr/local/apache/docs/newfile                                                        file
> 0 /usr/local/apache/docs/newfile111                                                     file
> 4096 /usr/local/apache/docs/newfolder                                                directory
> 4096 /usr/local/apache/docs/newfolder111                                             directory
> 0 /usr/local/apache/docs/testfile                                                       file
          [End of summary list]
          [Detected removed files]                                                       [Type]
             -----------------                                                      ----------------
< 0 /usr/local/apache/docs/file                                                           file
          [End of summary list]

# cat
## justdoit ## Simple File Monitor Tool ##
if [ ! $# -eq 2 ] ; then echo "Usage '$0 folder waitseconds' " ; exit 1; fi
if [ ! -d $1 ] ; then echo "Folder name is false!!" ; exit 1 ;fi
cd /usr/local/bin ; clear ; tmp='tmppx' ; tmpp="${tmp}x"
f="find '$1' -not \( -name $tmp -o -name $tmpp \) -exec stat -c '%s %n' {} \;"
eval $f >$tmp ; echo -e "Please wait.. Preparing File Lists!!" ; sleep $2 || exit 1 && echo "Lists OK!!"
eval $f >$tmpp ; lcltmp=lcltmp;lcltmpp="${lcltmp}x";lcltmppp="${lcltmpp}x"
cretdif() {
diff $tmp $tmpp|sed -n '/^[><]/p'|sort -k3,3>$lcltmp
chksz() {
dtecs=$(awk '{print $3}' $lcltmp|uniq -d)
rmvdupf() {
for dup in $dtecs ; do sed 's|.*'$dup'$||;/^$/d' $lcltmp>$lcltmpp && mv $lcltmpp $lcltmp -f;done
fnddupf() {
for dup in $(echo "$dtecs"|sed 's|/|\\&|g') ; do
sed -n '/.*'$dup'$/p' $lcltmp>>$lcltmppp;done
chkfls() {
newrem=$(sed -n '/^['$1']/p' $lcltmp)
fix() {
sed -n 'N;s/[^ ]* \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)\n\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \2$/\2 \1 \4 \3/p' $lcltmppp|
awk 'BEGIN {printf "%20s" "%30s\n" "%15s" "%10s\n" ,"File Name(s)","Difference (Bytes)","-----------------------------","   ------------------------"};
{if($4==">")printf "%20s" "%10c" "%d" "%2s", $1 ,"+",$3-$2, " bytes";
else printf "%20s" "%10d" "%2s\n", $1, $2-$3, " bytes"};
END { printf "\n%31s\n%19s\n\n" ,"[End of summary list]","#########################################################" }'
cretdif;if [ ! -s $lcltmp ] ; then echo -e "No any changes!!..";exit 0;fi
chksz;if [ ! "$dtecs" = "" ] ; then printf "%s\n%34s\n%30s\n" "#########################################################" "[Detected change of size]" "-----------------";fnddupf;fix;fi;rmvdupf
chkfls '>';if [ ! "$newrem" = "" ] ; then 
printf "\n%s\n%34s%+61s\n%+30s%70s\n" "#########################################################" "[Detected new created files]" "[Type]" "---------------------" "----------------"
echo "$newrem"|awk '{if (!system("test -d " $3) )printf "%-60s" "%+36s\n",$0,"directory"; else printf "%-60s" "%+34s\n" ,$0,"file"};
END { printf "\n%31s\n%19s\n\n" ," [End of summary list]","#########################################################" }';fi
chkfls '<';if [ ! "$newrem" = "" ] ; then 
printf "\n%s\n%34s%+61s\n%+30s%70s\n" "#########################################################" "[Detected removed files]" "[Type]" "-----------------" "----------------"
echo "$newrem"|awk '{if (!system("test -d " $3) )printf "%-60s" "%+36s\n",$0,"directory"; else printf "%-60s" "%+34s\n" ,$0,"file"};
END { printf "\n%31s\n%19s\n\n" ,"[End of summary list]","#########################################################"}';fi

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