Join 2 separate strings into one with alternate tokens.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Join 2 separate strings into one with alternate tokens.
# 15  
Old 07-05-2011
The latest one works in the command line but not in the script.
echo "$string1 $string2"  | tr ' |' '\n\n' | pr -2 -t -s: | sed 's/^\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\)/\2:\1/' | xargs

the following one works in scripts, for now I am using this one itself.
paste -d: <((echo $string2 | sed 's/\|/ /g' | xargs -n1) | cut -f1 -d:) <(echo $string1 |
 sed 's/\|/ /g' | xargs -n1)  <((echo $string2 | sed 's/\|/ /g' | xargs -n1) | cut -f2 -d: ) | xargs

Is there any method to incorporate the first one into the script file?

---------- Post updated at 09:19 AM ---------- Previous update was at 08:43 AM ----------

I have new question:

I have a string:


I want

s2="123 124 126"

What should I use?


Got it:

$echo $s1 | tr ',' '\n' | cut -f1 -d: | xargs
123 124 126

Last edited by sikku; 07-05-2011 at 12:33 PM..
# 16  
Old 07-06-2011
Could you please explain the purpose of $ENV (in this context).
is ENV variable used to pull the environment variables (declared in the shell) into the script?
If that is the case ...the following didn't work...could you please correct it.
# this script is used to concatenate 2 strings after removing the delimiter
string1="abc|def|hij"; echo $string1;
string2="12|13|14"; echo $string2;
string3=$(perl -e '@f=split( /\|/, $string1);@s=split(/\|/, $string2);for (0..$#f){print "$f[$_]:$s[$_] "}')
echo $string3

perl rookie

Last edited by Franklin52; 07-06-2011 at 05:07 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags for code and data samples, thank you
# 17  
Old 07-06-2011
@Sikku :
$echo $s1 | tr ',' '\n' | cut -f1 -d: | xargs
123 124 126

could be shorten (and save some pipe as well) with:
echo $s1 | sed 's/:[^,]*//g;s/,/ /g'

---------- Post updated at 10:38 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:23 AM ----------

echo "$string1 $string2" | tr ' |' '\n\n' | pr -2 -t -s: | sed 's/^\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\)/\2:\1/' | xargs

Works in command line but does not work in your script ???
Could you please show the content of your script, it sounds weird that you could not pass that command from within your script .
This User Gave Thanks to ctsgnb For This Post:
# 18  
Old 07-06-2011

This is the content of my script



#string3="`paste -d: <((echo $string2 | sed 's/\|/ /g' | xargs -n1) | cut -f1 -d:) <(echo $string1 | \
#         sed 's/\|/ /g' | xargs -n1)  <((echo $string2 | sed 's/\|/ /g' | xargs -n1) | cut -f2 -d: ) | xargs`"

string3="`echo "$string1 $string2" | tr ' |' '\n\n' | pr -2 -t -s: | sed 's/^\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\)/\2:\1/' | xargs`"
echo $string3

I get this error: (list is the script name)
$ list
./list[9]: : cannot execute
./list[9]: 123:1|134:2|145:3 | tr ' |' '\n\n' | pr -2 -t -s: | sed 's/^\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\)/\2:\1/' | xargs: cannot execute

# 19  
Old 07-06-2011
Try this :
string3=$(echo "$string1 $string2" | tr ' |' '\n\n' | pr -2 -t -s: | sed 's/^\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\)/\2:\1/' | xargs )
echo $string3

This User Gave Thanks to ctsgnb For This Post:
# 20  
Old 07-06-2011
In fact my script should be like this:



string4="`paste -d: <(echo $string1 | sed 's/\|/ /g' | xargs -n1) <(echo $string2 | sed 's/\|/ /g' | xargs -n1) | xargs`"

#string4="$string3 `paste -d: <((echo $string3 | sed 's/\|/ /g' | xargs -n1) | cut -f1 -d:) <(echo $string1 | \
#         sed 's/\|/ /g' | xargs -n1)  <((echo $string2 | sed 's/\|/ /g' | xargs -n1) | cut -f2 -d: ) | xargs`"

string4="$string4 `echo "$string1 $string3" | tr ' |' '\n\n' | pr -2 -t -s: | sed 's/^\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\)/\2:\1/' | xargs`"
echo $string3

I want to add string3 to string4 and then append the last result to string4 again.

---------- Post updated at 04:46 AM ---------- Previous update was at 04:43 AM ----------

Originally Posted by ctsgnb
Try this :
string3=$(echo "$string1 $string2" | tr ' |' '\n\n' | pr -2 -t -s: | sed 's/^\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\)/\2:\1/' | xargs )
echo $string3

Ok. Its working now. Thanks. Smilie

Edited: string3 to string4

Last edited by sikku; 07-06-2011 at 08:05 AM..
# 21  
Old 07-06-2011
string4=$(paste -d: <(echo $string1 | sed 's/\|/ /g' | xargs -n1) <(echo $string2 | sed 's/\|/ /g' | xargs -n1) | xargs)

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