How to rename a file with a name from another file

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# 1  
Old 07-04-2011
How to rename a file with a name from another file

Hello Experts...

I have a requirement to rename a file using the file name stored in another file. I browsed thru forums and found this for renaming multiple files.

awk '{f=$1;sub("-.*\\.","_"$2".",$1);system("mv "f" "$1)}' file-with-filenames

But, My requirement is to rename a single file and I dont know how to edit the available command without messing up Smilie

Case scenario

2)I need to read the file Filename.txt and rename the File1.txt to File1_renamed.txt

Can someone throw some light on how to do this? Your help will be much appreciated!! Thanks
# 2  
Old 07-04-2011
mv file1.txt $(xargs <Filename.txt)

mv file1.txt $(head -1 Filename.txt)

# 3  
Old 07-04-2011
one way:

#  mv File1.txt $(sed q Filename.txt)

# 4  
Old 07-06-2011
Thank you....

Thanks for the commands...

I got one more similar requirement to rename a file by appending a value from other file. I know it would be a simple modification to these commands but my unix knowledge did not help me....Can you please show me a way to do this....


File_Date.txt contain a value 20110710

Now, I want to rename a file File1.txt to File1_20110710.txt

Your help is much appreciated!!!

---------- Post updated 06-07-11 at 12:19 AM ---------- Previous update was 05-07-11 at 07:32 AM ----------

Hi.. Many thanks for the commands...

I got slight change in the requirement to rename a file by appending a value from other file. I know it would be a simple modification to these commands but my unix knowledge did not help me....Can you please guide me to do this....


File_Date.txt contain a value 20110710

Now, I want to rename a file File1.txt to File1_20110710.txt

Your help is much appreciated!!!
# 5  
Old 07-06-2011
Does File_Date.txt contain the date value in its first line ?
If not, please give us an example of File_Date.txt content.
# 6  
Old 07-06-2011
File_Date.txt will have only one date value in the format YYYYMMDD



I need to append this date to the name of other file already exists in the directory.


I need to read the content(date value in yyyymmdd) from File_Date.txt and rename File1.txt by appending the date value, which should look like File1_20110706.txt

I managed to get it work with
mv File.txt $echo File1_$(head -1 File_Date.txt).txt

But, I would appreciate if you could suggest any better approach
# 7  
Old 07-06-2011
give a try with double quote
mv File.txt "File1_$(head -1 File_Date.txt).txt"

A better approach would have been to have stored the date into a variable instead of into a file
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