SED - Multiple String - Single Line

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# 1  
Old 07-04-2011
SED - Multiple String - Single Line

Would appear to me to be a farily simple question but having search all the threads I can't find the answer .. I just want sed to output the single line in a file that contains two string anywhere on the line..

e.g. currently using this command
sed -n -e'/str1/p' -e '/str2/p' < file

and get ..
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxstr2xxxxxxxxx
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxstr2xxxxxxxxx
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

So I get the line I want ( italics ) duplicated ..

I've no doubt this is very obvious .. please enlighten me ..

Last edited by Franklin52; 07-04-2011 at 08:56 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags for code and data samples, thank you
# 2  
Old 07-04-2011
awk ' /str1.*str2/ { print $0}' filename

This User Gave Thanks to itkamaraj For This Post:
# 3  
Old 07-04-2011
Spot on .. thanks mate ..
# 4  
Old 07-04-2011
Depending on the intended result :

# cat tst
xxx str1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx str2 xxxxx
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxstr2xxxxxxxxx
xxxx str1 xxxxxxxxxx str2 xxx
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx str2
xxxxxxx str1 xxxxxxxxxxx str2
# sed '/str1.*str2/!d' tst
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxstr2xxxxxxxxx
xxxx str1 xxxxxxxxxx str2 xxx
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx str2
xxxxxxx str1 xxxxxxxxxxx str2
# awk '/str1.*str2/' tst
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxstr2xxxxxxxxx
xxxx str1 xxxxxxxxxx str2 xxx
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx str2
xxxxxxx str1 xxxxxxxxxxx str2
# awk '/^str1.*str2/' tst
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxstr2xxxxxxxxx
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx str2
#  sed '/^str1.*str2/!d' tst
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxstr2xxxxxxxxx
str1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx str2

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