Count occurences of a numeric string falling in a range

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# 1  
Old 06-30-2011
Count occurences of a numeric string falling in a range

Dear all,

I have numerous dat files (1.dat, 2.dat...) containing 500 numeric values each. I would like to count them, based on their range and obtain a histogram or a counter.





1.dat: low (2>) - 200 ; medium (3> and 2<) - 50 ; high (3<) -250

(the output can be in any comprehensive format)

I used the following script, in vain!


set k = 1
while ($k = 250)

set i=0
set low = 0
set medium = 0
set high = 0
foreach line ("`cat $k.dat`")
set j = `printf $line`
if ($j < 2) then
@low = $low +1
else if ($j > 2 and <3) then
@medium = $medium +1
else if ($j > 3) then
@high = $high +1

echo "$k - $low $medium $high"
@k = $k +1

I get an error sayin "if: Badly formed number.
Could you please help?

# 2  
Old 06-30-2011
Place this script in the directory containing .dat files, then run it there.
chomp(@files=`ls *.dat`);
for $i (@files){
  open I, "$i";
  while ($n=<I>){
    chomp $n;
    $l++ if $n<=2;
    $m++ if $n>2 && $n<=3;
    $h++ if $n>3;
  print "$i: low (2>) - $l ; medium (3> and 2<) - $m ; high (3<) - $h\n";

This User Gave Thanks to bartus11 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 06-30-2011
Thanks Bartus11
# 4  
Old 06-30-2011

Other solution using 'perl' too:
$ cat
use warnings;
use strict;

die "Usage: perl $0 low-range medium-range high-range files\n" unless 
    @ARGV >= 4 and
    grep { /^-?\d+$/ } @ARGV[0..2] and    # Integer ranges.
    defined $ARGV[3];                    # At least one file.

my %range = (
    low_limit => shift,
    medium_limit => shift,
    high_limit => shift

while ( <> ) {
    ## Only count lines without number.
    if ( /^\s*\d+(?:\.\d*)\s*$/ ) {
        if ( $_ < $range{ low_limit } ) {
            $range{ low_num }++;    
        } elsif ( $_ >= $range{ low_limit } && $_ < $range{ medium_limit } ) {
            $range { medium_num }++;
        } elsif ( $_ >= $range{ high_limit } ) {
            $range{ high_num }++;

    ## Print result in end of each file.
    if ( eof ) {
            "%s: low (%d<) - %d ; medium (>%d and %d<) - %d ; high (>%d) - %d\n", 
            $range{ low_limit },
            $range{ low_num } || 0,
            $range{ low_limit },
            $range{ medium_limit },
            $range{ medium_num } || 0,
            $range{ high_limit },
            $range{ high_num } || 0,
            delete @range{ qw(low_num medium_num high_num) }; 
$ perl
Usage: perl low-range medium-range high-range files
$ perl 2 3 3 *.dat  # Output with my test files.
1.dat: low (2<) - 4 ; medium (>2 and 3<) - 1 ; high (>3) - 1
2.dat: low (2<) - 2 ; medium (>2 and 3<) - 1 ; high (>3) - 3

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