Script – Function Call

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# 1  
Old 06-29-2011
Script – Function Call


I have Individual function in my shell script ,

            Master activities 
            Sub activities 1
            Sub activities 2

I wanted to maintain the function , since later I might be using passing some parameter …etc, which would be generic in the program
My requirement is , based on the success or failure of the master activity , I need to perform Sub activity 1 , then based on success / failure , I need to do Sub activity 2 …etc

Do I need to declare a return value for each function ?

            Master activities 
            Return master_flag
            Sub activities 1
            Return sub1_flag 

So , in my program
If master_flag!=0 then 
Exit ( so that I don’t proceed further ) 
If Return sub1_flag !=0 then 
Exit ( so that I don’t proceed further )

OR, can I get the success failure from the default return value after each function call ?

If [ $? != 0 ] then         
            Exit ( so that I don’t proceed further ) 
If [ $? != 0 ] then         
            Exit ( so that I don’t proceed further ) 

Can someone please me out with this code , or If there is a better way of doing this ?

Thanks In Advance,


Last edited by pludi; 06-29-2011 at 12:36 PM.. Reason: Removed excessive formatting, added code tags
# 2  
Old 06-29-2011
how about something like...
func1 && func2 && func3

This chain automatically takes care of function return code and takes appropriate action...either call the next function or simply error out
# 3  
Old 06-29-2011
For situations where I want to print a particular message on error, I borrow an idea from perl:

function die
        echo "$*" >&2
        exit 1

function something
# success
        return 0

function otherthing
# success
        return 0

function sleed
# failure
        return 1

something || die "something didn't work"
otherthing || die "otherthing didn't work"
sleed || die "sleed didn't work"

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