Script to extract particular record

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# 1  
Old 06-28-2011
Script to extract particular record


I have a large file with huge number of records which are of following pattern:
originNodeType : "IVR"
originHostName : "AAIVR"
originTransactionID : "01310559"
originTimeStamp : "20110620192440+0530"
hostName : "hhhh"
voucher : '0'D
rProfileID : "ZZZZ"
Flags : "10000000"
Bal : "123"
Flags : "10000000"
Bal : "123"
originNodeType : "IVR"
originHostName : "AAIVR"
originTransactionID : "01310559"
originTimeStamp : "20110620192440+0530"
hostName : "hhhh"
rProfileID : "ZZZZ"
voucher : '0'D
Flags : "10000000"
Bal : "123"
Flags : "10000000"
Bal : "123"
originNodeType : "UGW"
originHostName : "AAUGW"
originTransactionID : "01310560"
originTimeStamp : "20110620192441+0530"
hostName : "asdf"
voucher : '1'D
Flags : "00000000"
Bal : "123"
Flags : "10000000"
Bal : "124"
originNodeType : "IVR"
originHostName : "AAIVR"
originTransactionID : "01462112"
originTimeStamp : "20110624001221+0530"
hostName : "aqws"
Counter : '1'D
errorCode : 'invalidNumber (19)'
originNodeType : "UGW"
originHostName : "AAUGW"
originTransactionID : "01462113"
originTimeStamp : "20110624001221+0530"
hostName : "aqws"
Counter : '2'D
errorCode : 'invalidAcc (18)'
originNodeType : "IVR"
originHostName : "AAIVR"
originTransactionID : "01462112"
originTimeStamp : "20110624001222+0530"
hostName : "aqws"
Counter : '1'D
errorCode : 'invaliddate (17)'

How can I extact particular record from this script which meets certain criteria like:
originTransactionID : "01310559"

Output for above case should be:
originNodeType : "IVR"
originHostName : "AAIVR"
originTransactionID : "01310559"
originTimeStamp : "20110620192440+0530"
hostName : "hhhh"
voucher : '0'D
rProfileID : "ZZZZ"
Flags : "10000000"
Bal : "123"
Flags : "10000000"
Bal : "123"

For criteria

originTransactionID : "01462112" , output should be

originNodeType : "IVR"
originHostName : "AAIVR"
originTransactionID : "01462112"
originTimeStamp : "20110624001222+0530"
hostName : "aqws"
Counter : '1'D
errorCode : 'invaliddate (17)'


Last edited by Franklin52; 06-29-2011 at 05:39 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags for code and data samples, thank you
# 2  
Old 06-28-2011
The lack of awk friendly record separators suggests a fold-lines-into-one sed, gerp, and unfold:
  cat your_file
  echo TYPE9
 ) | sed '
    b loop
  b loop

Quick Narrative:
  1. Concatenate an extra TYPE9 after your file as a boundary.
  2. sed set a b(ranch)/t(est) target loop
  3. If we have not accumulated a whole record plus the next TYPE,
  4. and it is not time to toss that final fake TYPE,
  5. then stack the next line in the buffer
  6. and branch back to #2 check again #3
  7. Getting here says we do have that whole record plus, so if our key is in there,
  8. hold a copy of the current buffer
  9. take off the last line
  10. print the record (all lines in buf now)
  11. get the held copy
  12. take off all but the last line
  13. go looking for the rest of that record.
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