Help with File Slow Processing

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# 1  
Old 06-27-2011
Help with File Slow Processing


Hope you are doing fine. Let me describe the problem, I have a script that calls another script, this script (created by another team) takes date as argument and generates approx 1365 files in localcurves directory for given date.

Out of these 1365 I am only interested in 133 files, so I have created a list of file names (ZEROCURVEFILES as below) that we need to process.

I loop through these 1365 files (`ls $localcurves` as below) and check if file name is in 133 file list (ZEROCURVEFILES ) and if it is then I process the file by reading it line by line.

It seems it takes too long just to process 133 files, am I using some in-efficient code below? is there a way to process it faster? is it slow because I open and read 133 files line by line?

I need to run this script for 400 days which means I would be looping 400 * 1365 times i.e once per day and and for each day process 133 file.

I would really appreciate any help to help make it faster. Here is the code, I know it is too much code, please let me know if something in script.

#e.g. 20110627 (june 27 2011)
#e.g. 20100310 (march 10 2010)

#directory where 1365 files get generated
#output fileto be generated
touch $OUTFILE

# List of 133 curve file names
ZEROCURVEFILES="saud1-monthlinmid \
saud6-monthlinmid \
suvruvr_usdlinmid \
szarzar_usdlinmid "

#Loop until currdate is not equal to enddate (reverse loop)
while [ $currdate -ne $enddate ]

  #Call which generates 1365 files for a given date in $localcurves directory
 ./ $currdate

#Loop through the 1365 files generated by in $localcurves directory
 for FILE in `ls $localcurves`
  #Check if the filename is one of the 133 files we want?  If it is only then process otherwise ignore
  zerocurvefile=`echo cat $ZEROCURVEFILES|grep $FILE`

  # If file is in the list then process it
   if [ "$zerocurvefile" != "" ]
    echo "Processing $LOWERCASEFILE.$currdate file"

   exec 3<&0
  #Open the file
   exec 0<"$localcurves/$FILE"
  #Read file line by line
   while read line
    cnt=`expr $cnt + 1`
    # First line in file contains number of records to process
    if [ "$cnt" -eq "1" ]
     numheadrecords=`echo $line | awk '{FS=""}{print $1}'`
     rowstoprocess=`expr $numheadrecords + 2`
     echo "Total Number of Rows in header for $LOWERCASEFILE.$currdate is: $numheadrecords"
    if [ "$cnt" -gt "1" ] && [ "$cnt" -lt "$rowstoprocess" ]
     julianmdate=`echo $line | awk '{FS=" "}{print $1}'`
     rate=`echo $line | awk '{FS=" "}{print $2}'`
     mdate=`echo $line | awk '{FS=" "}{print $4}'`
     # extract certain columns and put the data into out file
     echo "$LOWERCASEFILE,$currdate,$julianmdate,$rate,$mdate" >> $OUTFILE
   # If we have processed number of records as in first line then break the loop
    if [ "$cnt" -eq "$rowstoprocess" ]
   exec 0<&3
#Subtract 1 day from currdate (reverse loop)
 currdate=`./shift_date $currdate -1`

Last edited by srattani; 06-28-2011 at 08:58 AM..
# 2  
Old 06-28-2011
What Operating System and version are you running?
What Shell is /bin/sh on your computer?
How many lines are processed from the 133 files? Is it definitely not the whole of each file?
Does the script work?

What are these lines for? Is there a local reason for these complex redirects?
exec 3<&0
#Open the file
exec 0<"$localcurves/$FILE"

exec 0<&3

There is great scope for efficiency in this script but let's get a feel for the environment and the size of the data files first.
# 3  
Old 06-28-2011
Hi methyl,

Thanks for look at my post I really appreciate it, I am new to Unix scripting so def. need guidance. Please see my answers

What Operating System and version are you running? It is sun solaris

What Shell is /bin/sh on your computer? How do I tell? I just know i am using sh

How many lines are processed from the 133 files? Is it definitely not the whole of each file? Each file has a number of records on very first line, I read that and process those many rows it can be anywhere from 10 to 200

Does the script work? Yes the script works but each file is taking approx 4 seconds to process and 133 files are taking 523 seconds which is almost 8 minutes for 133 files for 1 day and I have to process it for 400 days Smilie which wud take 53 hours Smilie

What are these lines for? Is there a local reason for these complex redirects? I copied it from a colleague so if you think there is no reason for these redirections I would appreciate your guidance
# 4  
Old 06-28-2011
Just a snippet. If your shell accepts then try changing the all the single square brackets to double square brackets. Ex.
while [ $currdate -ne $enddate ]
while [[ $currdate -ne $enddate ]]

# 5  
Old 06-28-2011
Try this version of your script (not tested):
#e.g. 20110627 (june 27 2011)
#e.g. 20100310 (march 10 2010)

#directory where 1365 files get generated
#output fileto be generated
touch $OUTFILE

# List of 133 curve file names
ZEROCURVEFILES="saud1-monthlinmid \
saud6-monthlinmid \
suvruvr_usdlinmid \
szarzar_usdlinmid "

#Loop until currdate is not equal to enddate (reverse loop)
while [ $currdate -ne $enddate ]

  #Call which generates 1365 files for a given date in $localcurves directory
 ./ $currdate

#Loop through the 1365 files generated by in $localcurves directory
 for FILE in `cd localcurves; ls $ZEROCURVEFILES 2>/dev/null`
  echo "Processing $LOWERCASEFILE.$currdate file"

  awk '
    FNR==1 {
        numheadrecords = $1;
        rowstoprocess  = numheadrecords + 2;
        printf "Total Number of Rows in header for %s.%s is %s\n", LowFile, Date, numheadrecords;
    FNR<rowstoprocess {
        julianmdate = $1;
        rate        = $2;
        mdate       = $4
        printf "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n", LowFile, Date, juliandate, rate, mdate;
  ' LowFile=$LOWERCASEFILE Date=$currdate $FILE
#Subtract 1 day from currdate (reverse loop)
 currdate=`./shift_date $currdate -1`

# 6  
Old 06-28-2011
michaelrozar17, I did put double square braces and I get a syntax error, what is this for? you want to know which shell it is ?

Thanks Jean-Pierre, I will try it out and let you know.

---------- Post updated at 09:44 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:38 AM ----------

Jean-Pierre, I am encountering a problem.

The 1365 files generated in $localcurves directory are in mixed-case name i.e. e.g. sCADTierTwolinMid but I need in lower case

If you see the list $ZEROCURVEFILES is all lower case so when we do `ls $ZEROCURVEFILES` it will not find any. Is there a way to do ls case in-sensitive?
# 7  
Old 06-28-2011
For those who are unaware of it ... on Solaris 10 and earlier, the default shell (/bin/sh) is the Bourne Shell.
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