Cut columns with delimiter

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Cut columns with delimiter
# 8  
Old 06-29-2011

I have removed numbers and spaces from all the rows and tried like below...
Identifier,Username,First_Name,Middle,Last_Name,Employee_ID,City,RS Code,Postal,Email_addr,HomePhone,WorkPhone,Internal,Ethnic_Question,Ethnic_Questio
n,USA_EEO2_Ethnicity_Answer,USA_EEO2_Race_Question,USA_EEO2_Race_Question,USA_EEO2_Race_Answer,Gende r_Question,Gender_Question,Gender,SSOID^M
"67042","67042","A","","Jones","67042","Georgetown","US","78628","","+1 512-863-2043","+1 512-272-3247","TRUE","-1","-1","-3","-2","-2","-9","-3","-3","-11","67042"^M
"113021","113021","Aan Wooi","","Mu","113021","Tampines","MY","520852","","","+65 98374227","TRUE","-1","-1","-1","-2","-2","-4","-3","-3","-11","113021"^M
"66872","66872","Aaron","","Hunter","66872","Santa Cruz","US","95060","","+1 408-458-0959","+1 408-584-0592","TRUE","-1","-1","-3","-2","-2","-9","-3","-3","-11","66872"^M
"70277","70277","Aaron","","Maciej","70277","Austin","US","78729","","+1 512-635-9991","+1 512-272-3617","TRUE","-1","-1","-3","-2","-2","-9","-3","-3","-11","70277"^M
"79145","79145","Aaron","","Wei","79145","Hsin Chu","TW","N/A","","+886 35323094","+1 886-3-579-3464","TRUE","-1","-1","-1","-2","-2","-4","-3","-3","-11","79145"^M
"103260","103260","Aaron","","Liu","103260","Lingya District","TW","802","","+886 88677615344","+1 886-4-22172610","TRUE","-1","-1","-1","-2","-2","-4","-3","-3","-11","103260"^M
"104267","104267","Aaron","","Himmler","104267","San Jose","US","95136","","+1 (703) 8955735","+1 408-584-0249","TRUE","-1","-1","-3","-2","-2","-9","-3","-3","-11","104267"^M

cat | awk -F "," '{print $7}' | tail -7
"Santa Cruz"
"Hsin Chu"
"Lingya District"
"San Jose"

Can u check, whether it is usefull for u??


Last edited by Franklin52; 06-29-2011 at 05:11 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags for code and data samples, thank you
# 9  
Old 07-13-2011
Still no luck.

This prints all the 7th column. All i wanted is which is not ending with "

Some of the records are like below.
"116228","116228","Moriella","","Kowalski","116228","Paese "(Treviso)"","IT","31038"

In this actually 7th column "Paese should enter with " but it did not.

Your command prints this

"Paese "(Treviso)"" It assumes this as whole column.

So still i am not getting the right data.

---------- Post updated at 11:19 AM ---------- Previous update was at 11:14 AM ----------

This command prints correctly all columns. But how can i print only which does not ending with "

awk -F, 'NR==1{print $7;next};{split($7,a," \"");{print a[1]}}' file

"Castagnole di Paese"
"Castagnole di Paese"
"Padernello di Paese"

just print only records not ending with " here "Paese

Last edited by Franklin52; 07-13-2011 at 06:04 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags for code and data samples, thank you
# 10  
Old 07-13-2011
Hi Krrishv,
as per your sample file, file delimiter is , but in second row field has different values.
Confirm how you are saying that "Paese is the 7th column value.

Please help me to understand the exact criteris to get the value.

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