Help me in awk with getline...Am new to the awk please..

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help me in awk with getline...Am new to the awk please..
# 1  
Old 06-22-2011
CPU & Memory Help me in awk with getline...Am new to the awk please..


Am using a script that will give output like below.
emp = WH.3060                            salary  = 5
emp = WH.7235                            salary  = 5
emp = WH.6345                            salary  = 6
emp = WH.0234                            salary  = 5
emp = WH.5644                            salary  = 8
emp = WH.1009                            salary  = 9
emp = WH.9887                            salary  = 5
emp = WH.6783                            salary  = 7
emp = WH.8764                            salary  = 5
emp = WH.3562                            salary  = 5

My need:

i need the whole row where salary greater then 5.

Expected output:
emp = WH.6345                            salary  = 6
emp = WH.5644                            salary  = 8
emp = WH.1009                            salary  = 9
emp = WH.6783                            salary  = 7

Can anyone give me awk command for this please.........Is there any other command for this?

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment
Please use code tags when posting data and code samples!

Last edited by vgersh99; 06-22-2011 at 05:06 PM.. Reason: code tags, please!
# 2  
Old 06-22-2011
nawk '$NF>5' myFile

# 3  
Old 06-22-2011
Superb... can you please explain me whats happening with $NF? awk will extract whole column right? who it works with line by line?
# 4  
Old 06-22-2011
Originally Posted by prince1987
Superb... can you please explain me whats happening with $NF? awk will extract whole column right? who it works with line by line?
'man nawk' yields:
            The number of fields in the current record, with a limit of 99.
            Inside a BEGIN action, the NF special variable is undefined unless
            a getline function without a Variable parameter has been issued
            previously. Inside an END action, the NF special variable retains
            the value it had for the last record read, unless a subsequent,

            redirected, getline function without a Variable parameter is
            issued prior to entering the END action.

therefore, $NF yields the value of the last field of the record/line.
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