Doubt on RegEx

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# 1  
Old 06-18-2011
Doubt on RegEx


I have a silly doubt:

Assume that I have a line like this

Heading: Value1; SomeText1 (a, b, c), Value 2; SomeText2 (d, e, f)

I wanted to remove all semicolon and remove everything in brackets (including brackets). I managed to do this using this code

PHP Code:
if (strstr($line,'Heading')){
$new_heading str_replace(";"""$line); // Replaces semi-colon
$new_heading preg_replace("/\([^\)]+\)/","",$new_heading); //Removes Text With in Brackets
$line $new_heading;
$line//Outputs "Heading: Value1 SomeText1 , Value 2 SomeText2"

Now Assume I have a line like this

Heading: Text1 (a, b) Text2. (d, f) Text3 (g, h)

What I want to achieve is... Remove everything with in brackets (inclusive brackets) and replace it with comma. However the last ocurance of the bracket should not be replace with a a comma.

I mean the output should be

Heading: Text1 , Text2. , Text3

How to achive this?
# 2  
Old 06-19-2011

$heading = "Heading: Text1 (a, b) Text2. (d, f) Text3 (g, h)";
$new_heading = rtrim(preg_replace("/\([^\)]+\)/",",",$heading),',');
echo $new_heading;


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