Does uniq -d only check for consecutive matches?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Does uniq -d only check for consecutive matches?
# 1  
Old 06-17-2011
Does uniq -d only check for consecutive matches?

Hi All

I have a rather large text file of approx 1m records in the format:-


et al...

I want to run uniq against the file to make sure there are no duplicate names.....

uniq -d /path/to/input/file.txt

However this is not producing any results even if I deliberately introduce duplicates, however if the duplicates are next to each other it does then produce output.

Does uniq only check consecutive records?
# 2  
Old 06-17-2011
1 million records isn't that large unless they're really big records.

uniq only checks consecutive records, yes. Try sort first.

DUP=`sort < /path/to/file | uniq -d | wc -l`

[ "$DUP" -gt 0 ] && echo "$DUP duplicates"

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