pass shell parameters to awk does not work

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting pass shell parameters to awk does not work
# 1  
Old 06-16-2011
pass shell parameters to awk does not work

Why does this work

    for myfile in `find . -name "R*VER" -mtime +1`
       SHELLVAR=`grep ^err $myfile || echo "No error"`

and outputs

    No error
    err ->BIST Login Fail 3922 err 
    No error
    err ->IR Remote Key 1 3310 err

But this does not

  for myfile in `find . -name "R*VER" -mtime +1`
       SHELLVAR=`grep ^err $myfile || echo "No error"`
       awk -v awkvar=${SHELLVAR} '{print awkvar}'

and outputs

    awk: cmd. line:1: fatal: cannot open file `{print awkvar}' for reading (No such file or directory)

What am I missing?
# 2  
Old 06-16-2011
Perhaps try quoting:
awk -v awkvar=${SHELLVAR}

awk -v awkvar="${SHELLVAR}"

It also helps if you give awk a file to work with:

awk -v awkvar="${SHELLVAR}" "$myfile"

It's generally better not to use a for-loop for this, but a while-loop:

find ... | while read myfile; do

"for" can't handle filenames with spaces so well, and there are only so many files it can take as arguments.
This User Gave Thanks to Scott For This Post:
# 3  
Old 06-20-2011
Cool. I changed to a while loop and fed $myfile to the awk command. It worked. Thank you.
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