find and copy script trouble

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Old 06-15-2011
Computer find and copy script trouble

Hi guys

First thing to say is that I am entirely new to Shell Scripting and am trying to write a script to do something I thought would be relatively simple, but has escaped me.

Essentially, I want to take file name information from a list, find the files listed and then copy the results into an output directory. As a standard command line I use this:
for i in `cat example_list` ; do find . -name "$i" | xargs -i rsync -Rruv {} /detination_directory/; done

This is fine, but a bit difficult to explain to new users of Linux, so I was looking to simplify this into a script


search_copy_list [which list] [output dir]

I have had a look around, but the fundamental basics are escaping me, I can't seem to find any help on how to index the list to find the files.

If anyone could help, that would be awesome because I'm missing something here.



Last edited by Franklin52; 06-16-2011 at 03:49 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
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