Help search and replace hex values only in specific files

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# 1  
Old 06-14-2011
Help search and replace hex values only in specific files

perl -pi -e 's/\x00/\x0d\x0a/g' `grep -l $'[\x00]GS' filelist` 

This isn't working Smilie, it's not pulling the files that contain the regex. Please help me rewrite this Smilie.

Ideally for this to work on 9K of 20K files in the directory, I've tried this but I don't know enough about awk to make it work.

for each del in `cat delimiters`
  perl -pi -e 's/\x$del/\x0d\x0a/g' `grep -l $'[\x$del]GS' filelist`
cat delimiters

Subsititute the value at position 106 with a newline for the entire file (preferably when the value at pos 107=G) and preferably this will happen on for files that have a value at position 107 and the line begins with ISA.

- my grep statement looking for specific hex values isn't working
- I'd like to identify and perform the same action on files that share the same value at position 106
- some characters are troublesome in a perl one liner or a grep like \ or - or other hex values
- the file contains other non-ascii or non-printable characters throughout the file that should not be substituted
This value at position 106
- changes from file to file
- is consistent within a particular file
- is non-word, usually non-ascii or non-printable (ie hex value 15, 1c, 1e, 1f, 21, 27, 2a, 2e, 3c, 3d, 3e, 3f, 40, 5c, 5e, 60, 7d, 7e, b8, be, c4, 00)
- may not be at position 106 in other files and should not be subsituted in files that do not have this value at pos 106

INPUT:  This is what the input file looks like.  The value at position 106 is Hex x00 

ISA`00`FTL DATA  `00`FTL DATA  `ZZ`BBBB MFG       `ZZ`FFF  MFG       `110612`1931`U`00401`000001527`0`P`> GS`FA`BBBB MFG`FFF  MFG`110612`1931`940`X`002040 ST`997`000001184 AK1`PO`214 AK2`830`000007903 AK5`A AK9`A`1`1`1 SE`6`000001184 GE`1`940 IEA`1`000001527-
The value at position 106 is Hex x27.  Hex x60 is throughout the file and shouldn't be substituted. 

ISA`00`FTL DATA  `00`FTL DATA  `ZZ`B715 MFG       `ZZ`FTL  MFG       `110612`1931`U`00401`000001527`0`P`>'GS`FA`B715 MFG`FTL  MFG`110612`1931`940`X`002040'ST`997`000001184'AK1`PO`214'AK2`830`000007903'AK5`A'AK9`A`1`1`1'SE`6`000001184'GE`1`940'IEA`1`000001527-
OUTPUT:  This is what the output should look like.

ISA`00`FTL DATA  `00`FTL DATA  `ZZ`BBBB MFG       `ZZ`FFF  MFG       `110612`1931`U`00401`000001527`0`P`>
GS`FA`BBBB MFG`FFF  MFG`110612`1931`940`X`002040

# 2  
Old 06-14-2011
Sounds like a fun project Smilie

Let's break it up:
1. convert to hex
2. store character 106 and 107
3. in hex format replace all char106's to '0a' if char107 is 'G'
4. convert hex back to ascii

Here, try this:


while read file ; do           #loop through all input files
    od -t x1 $file > hexfile   #dump the content in hex 1-bytes
    awk 'NR==7{print $11 " " $12; exit}' hexfile |  #get char 106 and 107
    while read c106 c107 ; do  #and store them in variables
      if [ $c107 = 47 ] ; then #char107 is 'G'; substitute
         sed -i "s/$c106/0a/g" hexfile #replace all in hexfile
    done #end while
    awk '{$1=""; gsub(/ /,"")}1' hexfile | perl -ne '$l=length($_)-1; print pack(H.$l,$_);' > ${file}.replaced 
done < filelist

'od -t x1' will dump the contents of (ascii) input in 1-byte hexadecimals, check 'man od' for details, or try it out on CL.
The second awk command gets rid of first column, which is just reference numbers output by 'od', and also rids of all spaces. Perl command then determines length of hex string on each line and uses 'pack' to convert back to ascii. (This will be basically 'pack(H32,$_)' except for last line which may be shorter, in which case pack(H32,$_) would fill it up with \0. To avoid this mess at the end, length of string is determined.
Output into .replaced so that you don't mess up your originals and can compare.
This User Gave Thanks to mirni For This Post:
# 3  
Old 06-16-2011

This worked like a charm! it worked very well and solved the hex issue and created newlines really well.

I'm not familiar with awk ... I tried to change up the if statement but it wouldn't work
while read c106 c107 c108 ; do  #and store them in variables
      if [ $c107 = 47 && $c108 = 53 ] ; then #char107 is 'G' and #char108 is 'S' sub
         sed -i "s/$c106/0a/g" hexfile #replace all in hexfile

ideally I'd like to also add if c109 is non-alphanumeric [^[:alnum:]]

how would I do that?

Last edited by Franklin52; 06-17-2011 at 04:11 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 4  
Old 06-16-2011
Glad it worked.
c109 is always alphanumeric, because its a hex code of the character (the whole file 'hexfile' that awk filters is made of hex codes).

So you wanna get char109 from original file and test for alnum:
while read file ; do 
    c109=`awk 'NR==1{print substr($0,109,1)}' $file` #get char 109 from the first line of current file
    if [[ "$c109" = [^[:alnum:]] ]] ; then #only go on if c109 is not alnum
       od -t x1 $file > hexfile        
       awk 'NR==7{print $11 " " $12 " " $13; exit}' hexfile | 
       while read c106 c107 c108; do 
          if [ $c107 = 47 ] && [ $c108 = 53 ] ; then
             sed -i "s/$c106/0a/g" hexfile 
       done #end while     
       awk '{$1=""; gsub(/ /,"")}1' hexfile | perl -ne '$l=length($_)-1; print pack(H.$l,$_);' > ${file}.replaced 
    fi  #end c109 condition
done < filelist

This will only work correctly if the original file has no newline characters before 109; since the awk command that grabs c109 operates only on the first line (NR==1).
This User Gave Thanks to mirni For This Post:
# 5  
Old 06-16-2011
Thanks so much mirni ... I really appreciate it.

Now that I've seen your code, this solves more than one issue for me. If c109 is present then yes ... all the code needs to be executed.

This saves time because the field will be empty for files that don't require this code.


Brackets! But of course ...

---------- Post updated at 06:37 PM ---------- Previous update was at 06:28 PM ----------

Can you help me figure out the next part of my script? How I can use awk to print a new line with every occurence of AK2 (plus the other variables). I can show you the awk I've already started, it isn't quite right, it's only giving me one line w the first AK2($2) and it skips the others. Smilie

INPUT looks like this:
ISA~00~          ~00~          ~ZZ~RRRR           ~ZZ~FFF FIAC       ~110611~2215~U~00301~000002391~0~P~>
GS~FA~RRRR MFG~FFFXMFG~110611~2215~1847~X~002000
AK2~830~000031588 #I want to print the other variables for every occurrence of AK2
I'd like the OUTPUT to look this:
RRRR           ,FFF FIAC       ,000002391,FA,RRRR MFG,1847,PO,970,830,000031588,,,,,,A,,A,186,186,186,,
RRRR           ,FFF FIAC       ,000002391,FA,RRRR MFG,1847,PO,970,830,000031589,,,,,,A,,A,186,186,186,,
RRRR           ,FFF FIAC       ,000002391,FA,RRRR MFG,1847,PO,970,830,000031590,,,,,,A,,A,186,186,186,,
RRRR           ,FFF FIAC       ,000002391,FA,RRRR MFG,1847,PO,970,830,000031607,,,,,,A,,A,186,186,186,,

# 6  
Old 06-17-2011
I want to print the other variables
I'm not sure I understand what you mean there... or what exactly is the logic of extraction, but let me try:

Your input seems to have fields separated by '~'. awk does the processing line-by-line, so you can tell it to print 3rd field of each line starting with 'AK2' like this:
awk -F~ '/^AK2/{print $3}' input

Now to put it together ad-hoc, something like this could be done by combining more pattern-action rules:
$ awk -F~ '
  /^AK2/{print out","$2","$3}
'  input
RRRR           ,FFF FIAC       ,000002391,FA,RRRR MFG,1847,PO,970,830,000031588
RRRR           ,FFF FIAC       ,000002391,FA,RRRR MFG,1847,PO,970,830,000031589
RRRR           ,FFF FIAC       ,000002391,FA,RRRR MFG,1847,PO,970,830,000031590
RRRR           ,FFF FIAC       ,000002391,FA,RRRR MFG,1847,PO,970,830,000031607

It works like this:
/regexPattern/{action to do when line matches regexPattern}
This User Gave Thanks to mirni For This Post:
# 7  
Old 06-28-2011
Thanks for your time and solution mirni ... I really appreciate both!

I apologize for not explaining the logic more clearly and you understood exactly what I meant.

Both of your solutions worked really well.

Thanks again
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