including libraries in

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# 8  
Old 06-14-2011
Is there a reason you are using automake? It requires you have set-up and is a tool for complex projects.
When invoking 'make test', you are invoking GNU make, and that can't find any Makefile, so is applying a default rule.

Maybe you want to write a Makefile instead of using automake.

---------- Post updated at 05:35 AM ---------- Previous update was at 05:31 AM ----------

simple Makefile works just fine:

$ cat Makefile
LDFLAGS += -L/usr/lib
test_LDADD = -lQuantLib

    ${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -o $@ ${test_SOURCES} ${test_LDADD}

$ make
g++  -L/usr/lib -o test test.cpp -lQuantLib

# 9  
Old 06-14-2011
Is there a reason you are using automake? for learning-sake...I have setup, and my file has also been created, so I wanted to test it out.

When invoking 'make test', you are invoking GNU make, and that can't find any Makefile, so is applying a default rule. ....I see....there should be a way to fix that, right....
# 10  
Old 06-14-2011
for learning-sake...
That's a good reason... ok.

there should be a way to fix that, right....
There's nothing to fix. You're mixing apples and oranges. You want to run 'automake' not 'make'.

Also, there is a section 'programming' on this forum, where your post would be more appropriate and would be looked at by competent people, that, unlike myself, have experience with automake.
In any case, good luck!

Last edited by mirni; 06-14-2011 at 01:51 PM..
# 11  
Old 06-14-2011
Originally Posted by mirni
That's a good reason... ok.
There's nothing to fix. You're mixing apples and oranges. You want to run 'automake' not 'make'.
I am obviously not doing something right then....I basically followed the steps for automake from
Automake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
after creating the, I ran automake, and then ./configure, followed by 'make test'...and that's where it started...
this might be a dumb thing I did, but nevertheless, when I type 'automake test', it returns:
automake: no Automake input file found for `test'
automake: no input file found among supplied arguments

can you please tell me how i should run automake Smilie
# 12  
Old 06-14-2011
So your Makefile has been generated? And since you're getting the error, the library hasn't been included in there, right? So you'll have to go back, and fix <something> to have the correct rule (with the lib) in generated Makefile.

The manual to automake is here:

As much as I'd like to help you, I have no experience with automake and don't know how I could be of more help...
This User Gave Thanks to mirni For This Post:
# 13  
Old 06-14-2011
thanks mirni,
yes, it has been generated and just got that fixed....I had to rename to Makefile, and it worked.
here's what I have in my Makefile:
AM_LDFLAGS = -L/usr/lib
bin_PROGRAMS = test
_SOURCES = test.cpp
_LDADD = -lQuantLib
    ${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -o $@ ${_SOURCES} ${AM_LDFLAGS} ${_LDADD}

all I did was issue 'make' and it did it's thingSmilie
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