AWK script

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# 1  
Old 06-13-2011
AWK script

Hi Team,

I have the below AWKscript ,
awk '{printf "%s\t ", $1;if(substr($2,1,1)=="X"){ if(substr($2,2,1)=="("){printf "VARCHAR\t%d\n",int(substr($2,3,length($2)-4))} else if(substr($2,2,1)=="X"){printf "VARCHAR\t%d\n",length($2)-1}else{printf "VARCHAR\t1\n"}}
 else if(substr($2,1,1)=="S"||substr($2,1,1)=="9"){printf "NUMERIC \n" }else{print $2}}' tempcopyfile.txt >newfile.txt

i want the above in the below script format ,
#!/bin/awk -f
  printf "%s\t ", $1;
      printf "VARCHAR\t%s\n",substr($2,3,length($2)-4)
    else if(substr($2,2,1)=="X")
      printf "VARCHAR\t%d\n",length($2)-1
      printf "VARCHAR\t%d\n",length($2)
  else if(substr($2,1,1)=="S"||substr($2,1,1)=="9")
    printf "NUMERIC \n"}else{print $2
} tempcopyfile.txt >newfile.txt
  print "Done"

i tried, its not working fine. Please help me on this and thanks in advance..


Last edited by Scott; 06-13-2011 at 07:43 AM.. Reason: Please indent your code and use code tags
# 2  
Old 06-13-2011
#!/bin/awk -f

    printf "%s\t ", $1
    if (substr($2, 1, 1) == "X") {
        if (substr($2, 2, 1) == "(") {
            printf "VARCHAR\t%d\n", int(substr($2, 3, length($2) - 4))
        } else {
            if (substr($2, 2, 1) == "X") {
                printf "VARCHAR\t%d\n", length($2) - 1
            } else {
                printf "VARCHAR\t1\n"
    } else {
        if (substr($2, 1, 1) == "S" || substr($2, 1, 1) == "9") {
            printf "NUMERIC \n"
        } else {
            print $2

You really do not need BEGIN. And use "tempcopyfile.txt >newfile.txt" on command line.

I use gawk with -p flag. It can pretty print awk code.
This User Gave Thanks to yazu For This Post:
# 3  
Old 06-13-2011
Hi Team,

Atleast can someone help me on writing a Awk in shell script with this format,


thank in advance,


---------- Post updated at 12:34 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:03 PM ----------

Hi Yazu,

Thanks for your needful help,

can we use "else if" in AWK like,
else if(expression){


Last edited by Scott; 06-13-2011 at 07:44 AM.. Reason: Code tags
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