Removing columns using awk

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# 1  
Old 06-11-2011
Removing columns using awk

HI ,

I want to remove 5th and 6th column from a .csv file using there any way of this apart from writing the each field as below

awk -F, '{print $1,$2,$3,$7......$100}' OFS=, infile.

# 2  
Old 06-11-2011
Try if this works for you.
awk 'BEGIN { FS=","; OFS="," } {$5=$6="";gsub(",+",",",$0)}1'

# 3  
Old 06-11-2011
Unless you have (or want) to use awk, cut is easier:
echo 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 | cut -d, -f-4,7-

% echo 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 | cut -d, -f5,6 --complement

with gnu cut.
# 4  
Old 06-12-2011
HI ,

I tried the below code it's working .

awk 'BEGIN { FS=","; OFS="," } {$5=$6="";gsub(",+",",",$0)}1'

can you please tell me what we are doing in the below part of the code.


And yazu ,I should use awk only for my coding's like a standard we are following in our company.

# 5  
Old 06-12-2011
Making column $5 and $6 equal to nothing, only the extra FS remains.

The gsub command is replacing extra separators with only one.
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