help in a script using raidctl

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# 1  
Old 06-10-2011
Question help in a script using raidctl

  #storing logical volume name
  volumelist=`cfgadm -val | grep "Logical Volume" | awk '{print substr($1,9,14)}'`
  controller=`echo $volumelist | awk '{print substr($1,2,1)}'`
  volume1=`echo $volumelist | awk '{print $1}'`
  for volume in $volumelist
    raidctl -l $volume > $fruTmpPath/${volume}.out 2>/dev/null

    while [ $? -ne 0 ]     #if raidctl doesnot executes successfully  keep on trying for 200 seconds and exit
              if [ $waitpe -lt 40 ]
                 echo "The disk verification is halted Retrying Please wait.........."
                 sleep 5
                 waitpe=`expr $waitpe + 1`
                 raidctl -l $volume > $fruTmpPath/${volume}.out 2>/dev/null

I am getting the output " The disk verification is halted Retrying Please wait " because it fails for the command raidctl .

I used the command raidconfig which is in usr/bin instead of raidctlas suggested by one of my colleague but it ends with same error .

Have one more general query , it shows for volume in $volumelist in the script ( Is it correct or it has to be for volumelist in $volumelist )

Also , can anyone explain the usage of raidctl / raidconfig with examples

Bottom line is raidctl should not fail Smilie

Last edited by frintocf; 06-11-2011 at 03:12 AM.. Reason: No suggestion ?
# 2  
Old 06-13-2011
Is this an AIX?
Difficult to say anything for we dont know the content of the variables...
I would start by finding out that first either by displaying or loading in separates files...
You redirected also STD ERR to /dev/null, it may be a good idea to send it to a file and see if there is a clue...
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