How to extract lines between tags into different files?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to extract lines between tags into different files?
# 1  
Old 06-08-2011
How to extract lines between tags into different files?

I have an xml file with the below data:
unix>Cat  address.xml
<Address City=”Amsterdam” 
Street = “station straat”
 ZIPCODE="2516 CK   " 
<Address City=”Amsterdam” 
Street = “Leeuwen straat”
 ZIPCODE="2517 AB " 
<Address City=”The Hauge” 
Street = “kirk straat”
 ZIPCODE="2273 VP " 
<Address City=”The Hauge” 
Street = “grotemarkat”
 ZIPCODE="2331 VZ " 

I would like to extract each Address into a temparory file, that means for above data I need to extract block of data between <Adress> and </Adress> into some temp1, temp2, temp3 and temp4.

Any suggestion, how to do this using perl or awk?

Thank you very much
# 2  
Old 06-08-2011
awk '/<Address/{i++}{print > "temp"i}' address.xml

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