Help with removal of spaces between operators and operands

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help with removal of spaces between operators and operands
# 15  
Old 06-07-2011
Originally Posted by kumaran_5555
Did you try this ?
Yes I tried it.. But it becomes highly difficult if I try to include each and every operator.. Isn't it??
I mean as the number of operators increases the code becomes huge..
# 16  
Old 06-07-2011
Making bit more flexible..
HOpe this should work for different scenarios...
nawk '{if($0~/\+|\=|print|\*\(\-\%/) {gsub(/[  \t]/,"");print} else {print}}' /tmp/test.t

# 17  
Old 06-07-2011
Guys guys consider this example..
void main() 
float radius, area; 
printf ("Enter the radius of a circle\n"); 
scanf ("%f", &radius); 
area = PI * pow (radius,2); 
printf ("Area of a circle = %5.2f\n", area); 

I wanted something like this

void main() 
float radius, area; 
printf("Enter the radius of a circle\n"); 
scanf("%f", &radius); 
printf("Area of a circle = %5.2f\n", area); 

Observe line numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8..
Hope you understood my problem.. Smilie
# 18  
Old 06-07-2011
Try this

perl -lne '$_=~s/\s+//g if /(\w+\s+)\=\s+(.+)/ && !/print/;print ' in

# 19  
Old 06-07-2011
sed '/()/!s/ (/(/;s/ +/+/;s/ = /=/;s/ \* /*/g' filename

# 20  
Old 06-07-2011
Never used it myself, but perhaps this will do the job: Indent - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

Any script short of the language interpreter/compiler is going to be imperfect, so I'd be wary of running any such formatting tool on a critical codebase. The solutions suggested in this thread are particularly susceptible to error (no offense, guys Smilie), though depending on your needs some sed/perl voodoo may be sufficient.

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