change output format using ksh

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# 1  
Old 06-03-2011
change output format using ksh

I have a script that reaches out to several systems and pulls back infomation in serveral files. I would like to take the infomation returned and reformat it so I can export it to excel.

Below is current output:

I would like to reformat it to the following:

Any one have an easy way of doing that?
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Last edited by vgersh99; 06-03-2011 at 02:06 PM.. Reason: code tags, please!
# 2  
Old 06-03-2011
awk or shell are sufficient. You need to collect the file1/2 in one array, and the items in string-addressed arrays, and then at EOF regurgitate them.
# 3  
Old 06-03-2011
Originally Posted by DGPickett
awk or shell are sufficient. You need to collect the file1/2 in one array, and the items in string-addressed arrays, and then at EOF regurgitate them.
Sounds about right however I really dont know awk, any suggestions or examples?
# 4  
Old 06-03-2011
Not really an awk guy: AWK Arrays Explained with 5 Practical Examples (link removed)

bash does string-addressed-containers, too, closer to ksh, which I do not think went there. Also, ksh93 does associative arrays, same thing, and is often installed as dtksh or similar: Help -

Alternatively, you could chop the input up and annotate it for a sort, and reformat the sort output, with the elements in convenient order. For instance, you can write the file# to the sort prefixed with A and the item# parts as lines prefixed with B. In the bad old days, sort was the trick to this sort of problem, when there was tiny ram and much tape drive! COBOL has embedded sort, which can be invoker with a file or routine as input and as output.
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