Password test!!!

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# 1  
Old 11-12-2009
Error Password test!!!

Hi Friends,

I need a sample script in shell, which should solve my criteria

1.Here this is the main step the password for the DB is not hardcoded in the script we are encrypting the password and putting that in some
config file from there it is taken the username and password and using the credentials it will connect to sqlplus. should connect to sqlplus.
3.As this is only a test it should connect and ping me back with test sucessfull connected to sqlplus message in O/P file.

i can explain the senario of the config file.
Preveusly we need to have config file to which all the scripts get connected and used the credentials which are hardcoded in that config file,
but we need to change that config, like there the password wnt be hardcoded any more it will filled by username/subpassword_prgrm(function).
and the subpassword programe is in the central sever which will be pinged by the given function.

i hope you understood my requirment.

Advance Thanks.
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dxchpwd(1X)															       dxchpwd(1X)

dxchpwd - Create or change password program SYNOPSIS
dxchpwd dxchpwd -r | -l dxchpwd [-r | -l] -q dxchpwd [-r | -l] -u username OPTIONS
If dxchpwd is invoked without any options, it is assumed that the current user's password is to be changed. The following options are also accepted: Tells dxchpwd that the password change is to be done for a Local user. This can be combined with the -u and -q options. Tells dxchpwd that the password change is to be done for a NIS user. This can only be done from a NIS master and can be combined with the -u and -q options. Tells dxchpwd to query the user for the user name of the account whose password is to be changed. Tells dxchpwd to change this user's password. DESCRIPTION
The dxchpwd command lets you change your password. When you invoke the dxchpwd command, the program prompts you for the old password and then for the new password. Next, the program asks you for the new password again, to verify that you have typed it correctly. Note that the passwords are not displayed on the screen. Your new password must meet the length requirements specified by the authorization database for the user whose password is being changed. If your system is running with enhanced security, you may have to choose a password from a list of randomly generated passwords or you may be prohibited from changing your password until its minimum lifetime has expired, as specified in the authorization database. EXAMPLES
The following example requests that the password be changed for user smith: dxchpwd -u smith FILES
Password file Protected Password Database dxchpwd executable SEE ALSO
X(1X), xdm(1X), passwd(1) dxchpwd(1X)