Replacing '-' by 0 in a file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Replacing '-' by 0 in a file
# 1  
Old 11-10-2009
Error Replacing '-' by 0 in a file


I have the following data in my file (file.csv):,21 September 2009,ace,42,0,0,0,-,-,21 September 2009,adb,3,0,0,0,-,-,21 September 2009,agp,3,0,0,0,-,-,21 September 2009,alc,23,0,0,0,-,-

I need to prepare a UNIX script, where the '-' can be relaced by zero (0) throughout the file length.

Please advice.
# 2  
Old 11-10-2009
tr - 0 < file > newfile

# 3  
Old 11-10-2009
sed -e 's/-/0/g' file.csv should work
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