Automatically select records from several files and then run a C executable file inside the script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Automatically select records from several files and then run a C executable file inside the script
# 1  
Old 11-09-2009
Automatically select records from several files and then run a C executable file inside the script

Dear list
its my first post and i would like to greet everyone
What i would like to do is select records 7 and 11 from each files in a folder then run an executable inside the script for the selected parameters.

The file format is something like this
7 100 200
7 100 250
7 100 300
7 100 400
7 100 500
7 100 700
7 100 850
7 100 925
7 100 1000
. . .
. . .
. . .
11 100 200
11 100 250
11 100 300
11 100 400
11 100 500
11 100 700
11 100 850
11 100 925
11 100 1000

i have created the following script but it gives me errors when i try to execute it

#SOURCE DIR input files
FILES= "/root/Desktop/c_command/DATA/"
# set output dir destination files
OUTPUT= /root/Desktop/c_command/OUT
# create output dir if not exists 
[ ! -d ${OUT} ] && mkdir -p ${OUT}
# full path to cnvgrib.x 
DEGRIB= "/root/Desktop/c_command/degrib.x"
cd "${FILES}"
for i in `ls`
echo "Processing $i grib files..."
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt  7 100 200 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt  7 100 250 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt  7 100 300 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt  7 100 400 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt  7 100 500 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt  7 100 700 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt   7 100 850 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt 7 100 925 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt 7 100 1000 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt 11 100 200 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt 11 100 250 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt 11 100 300 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt  11 100 400 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt  11 100 500 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt  11 100 700 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt  11 100 850 
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt  11 100 925
./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt 11 100 1000

Thanks in advance for your time reading the post any help will be kindly appreciated

Last edited by pludi; 11-10-2009 at 03:07 AM.. Reason: code tags, please...
# 2  
Old 11-10-2009
guess you want to get the result as below?

Change the parts:

for i in `ls`
echo "Processing $i grib files..."


for i in `ls`
   for j in `awk '/^7/ || /^11/ {print}' $i`
       ./$DEGRIB $i $OUT/$i.txt $j

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