Find empty folders

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# 1  
Old 11-09-2009
Find empty folders

In current folder, there are many subfolders, subfolder's subfolders... under it.

How can I find out the empty folders with no files in it.

I only need the top folder list.

For example,

I have folders like below:


I need get the folder a/s, but not a/b/c ( because folder b has file), not a/b/x/x.txt (has file in it), not a/s/y (because a/s is already in list).
# 2  
Old 11-09-2009
do you have "-empty" option in find??
just lokk into man page of find..
# 3  
Old 11-09-2009
Originally Posted by vidyadhar85
do you have "-empty" option in find??
just lokk into man page of find..
Thanks, but my system is on Solaris 10, no -empty option.

Seems I have to install a GNU find to get it done.

my another idea is to install CYGWIN (which I already have, and find command with -empty), map the Solaris driver by SAMBA.

I can see the driver in windows explorer, but I can't see the driver in cygwin. Any suggestion on it?
# 4  
Old 11-09-2009
What about /usr/xpg4/bin/find
# 5  
Old 11-09-2009
if your ls has -R,
ls -1R| nawk '/^\./{s=$0;getline;if($0==""){print "empty: "s}}'

NB:tested on linux, not solaris, but you can give nawk a try. run it on top directory where you want to start searching.
# 6  
Old 11-10-2009
Originally Posted by ghostdog74
if your ls has -R,
ls -1R| nawk '/^\./{s=$0;getline;if($0==""){print "empty: "s}}'

NB:tested on linux, not solaris, but you can give nawk a try. run it on top directory where you want to start searching.
close to my request now. Thank you.

But it doesn't report the top folders only. In sample,

$ ls -1R| nawk '/^\./{s=$0;getline;if($0==""){print s}}'

I have more than thousand folders under that folder, I need get the top folder list of

./a (because under folder a, only have subfolder b, no any files.)

---------- Post updated at 10:02 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:00 PM ----------

Originally Posted by danmero
What about /usr/xpg4/bin/find
same error, not support -empty.

---------- Post updated at 10:12 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:02 PM ----------

Get it by myself

for i in `ls -l |awk '{if ($1~/^d/) print $9}'`
  if  [ "$(find $i -type f)" = "" ] ; then 
       echo $i "is empty folder"

But if the top folder name include space, the script will not find it out.
# 7  
Old 11-10-2009
don't get a file name like that using ls -1 and print column 9. if you have spaces in the file name , you will not get the correct file name. Use find instead, then something to count inside each directory. Pseudocode
find . -type d | while read DIR
   var=`ls $DIR | wc -l `
   if var is 0  then echo "empty" fi

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