Substituting field contents using AWK

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# 1  
Old 10-30-2009
Substituting field contents using AWK

Hello, wondering if anybody may be help me. This is the output of a file, from which I need to display a number of fields regarding which users are using licences for two applications we run. Lines which end with "(linger: 1800)" denote licence use for one application and lines which don't contain this denote licence use of the other.

     1      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/tty z001368 (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 481), start Fri 10/30 10:36 (linger: 1800)
     2      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/tty z600620 (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 2478), start Fri 10/30 10:36 (linger: 1800)
     3      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/tty z310084 (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 360), start Fri 10/30 10:37 (linger: 1800)
     4      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/tty z310338 (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 1074), start Fri 10/30 10:38 (linger: 1800)
     5      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/tty z001383 (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 1402), start Fri 10/30 10:42 (linger: 1800)
     6      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/tty ChangeAdmin (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 2155), start Fri 10/30 5:30 (linger: 1800)
     7      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/tty u112705 (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 1613), start Fri 10/30 10:44 (linger: 1800)
     8      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/tty z600969 (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 1885), start Fri 10/30 9:21
     9      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/tty z602084 (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 2379), start Fri 10/30 9:31
    10      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/tty z310044 (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 1279), start Fri 10/30 9:57
    11      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/tty z602138 (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 903), start Fri 10/30 10:02
    12      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/tty z310084 (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 720), start Fri 10/30 10:40
    13      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/pts/29 u414014 (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 580), start Fri 10/30 7:58
    14      ccm_root phys-agsdev /dev/tty u112705 (v1.0) (Phys-agsdev/19353 1991), start Fri 10/30 10:46

I need to be display fields $4, $8, $9, $11 and $12, which I have been able to do. The problem I have though, is that in my output, I need to be able to substitute "(linger: 1800)" with "ChangeBase" and for lines which don't contain "(linger: 1800)" I want to display "CMBase".

In addition to that, I need to read field $4 (user ID) of each line and perform a ypmatch command against it, so I can display the name of the user at the end of each line.

If anybody has any suggestions or pointers, it would be much appreciated.

Many thanks
# 2  
Old 10-30-2009
Can you post the desired output?
# 3  
Old 10-30-2009
something to start with...
nawk '
  if (match($0, "[(]linger: 1800[)]"))
    $0=substr($0,1,RSTART-1) "ChangeBase" substr($0, RSTART+RLENGTH+1)
    $0=$0 OFS "CMBase"

  print $4, $8, $9, $11, $12
}' myFile

# 4  
Old 10-30-2009
This is the desired output.
UserID              Process ID      Time Active          Licence Type   User Name
------              ----------      -----------          ------------   ---------
z310084             1079            start Fri 11:43      ChangeBase     J Bloggs
z004021             1618            start Fri 11:53      ChangeBase     A Bloggs
ChangeAdmin         2155            start Fri 5:30       ChangeBase     
z001698             1994            start Fri 12:02      ChangeBase     C Bloggs
z600969             1885            start Fri 9:21       CMBase         D Bloggs
oracled             2083            start Fri 10:51      CMBase         Oracle DBA
z001698             2380            start Fri 10:55      CMBase         F Bloggs
z311361             1393            start Fri 11:29      CMBase         G Bloggs
u414014             580             start Fri 7:58       CMBase         H Bloggs
z310086             1409            start Fri 11:44      CMBase         I Bloggs
Users of SYNERGY-ChangeBase: (Total of 11 licenses issued; Total of 4  licences in use)
Users of SYNERGY-CMBase: (Total of 12 licenses issued; Total of 6  licences in use)

I already have a shell script and a couple of awk scripts which worked fine and displayed all of the above with the exception of "User Name".

These scripts as follows:
ccm set role ccm_admin
/agsdev/continuus/flexnet/lmutil lmstat -a -c /agsdev/continuus/flexnet/license.dat > $LICENCEFILE
nawk -f /agsdev/continuus/ccm_root/bin/cmsynergy_count_licences.awk $LICENCEFILE > $LICENCE_COUNT_OUTPUT
nawk -F" " -f /agsdev/continuus/ccm_root/bin/cmsynergy_display_licences.awk $FORMATTED_LICENCE_COUNT
INC_BY=`nawk -F" " -f /agsdev/continuus/ccm_root/bin/cmsynergy_display_licences.awk $FORMATTED_LICENCE_COUNT | wc -l`
LINENUM=`echo "$LINENUM + $INC_BY -1" | bc`
print_line 1 "View username holding a licence...............[1]"
print_line 1 "Terminate a SYNERGY-CMBase licence............[2]"
print_line 1 "Return to Main Menu...........................[9]"
print_line 1 "Select an option [ ]"
tput cup $LINENUM 19
if [ -z "$V_OPTION" ]
case "$V_OPTION" in
print_line 1
print_line 1 "Enter the User ID: "
print_line 1
ypmatch $USERNAME passwd | nawk -F: '{ print $5 }'
print_line 1
print_line 1 $BOLD_ON"Press return to continue..."$BOLD_OFF
read x
print_line 1 "Enter the Process ID of the SYNERGY-CMBase licence you wish to terminate: "
read PID
ask_yesno "ARE YOU SURE? y/n [ ]"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
/agsdev/continuus/flexnet/lmutil lmremove -c /agsdev/continuus/flexnet/license.dat -h SYNERGY-CMBase Phys-agsdev 19353 $PID
print_line 1
print_line 1 "Terminating licence associated with $PID..."
sleep 1
# print_line 1 $BOLD_ON"Press return to continue..."$BOLD_OFF
# read x
echo "Cancelling the termination of Process ID $PID..."
sleep 1

Script cmsynergy_display_licences.awk
        print ""
        print "User                 Process ID      Time Active          Licence Type"
        print "----                 ----------      -----------          ------------"
NF > 12{changebaselicences++}
NF < 13{cmbaselicences++}
gsub(/\(/, " ", $0)
gsub(/\)/, " ", $0)
gsub(","," ", $0)
gsub("linger: 1800","ChangeBase", $0)
print $4, "     ", "  ", $7, "  ", "  ", $8, $9, $11, " ", $12
END     {
        printf "\nUsers of SYNERGY-ChangeBase: (Total of 11 licenses issued; Total of %-2d", changebaselicences
        print " licences in use)"
        printf "\nUsers of SYNERGY-CMBase: (Total of 12 licenses issued; Total of %-2d", cmbaselicences
        print " licences in use)" 
        print ""
        print "  NOTE: It is not possible to terminate SYNERGY-ChangeBase licences"
        print ""

# 5  
Old 10-30-2009
awk -F[\ \)] '{print $4, $8,$10, $11, $13,($14~/linger/)?"ChangeBase":"CMBase"}' urfile
z001368 481 start Fri 10:36 ChangeBase
z600620 2478 start Fri 10:36 ChangeBase
z310084 360 start Fri 10:37 ChangeBase
z310338 1074 start Fri 10:38 ChangeBase
z001383 1402 start Fri 10:42 ChangeBase
ChangeAdmin 2155 start Fri 5:30 ChangeBase
u112705 1613 start Fri 10:44 ChangeBase
z600969 1885 start Fri 9:21 CMBase
z602084 2379 start Fri 9:31 CMBase
z310044 1279 start Fri 9:57 CMBase
z602138 903 start Fri 10:02 CMBase
z310084 720 start Fri 10:40 CMBase
u414014 580 start Fri 7:58 CMBase
u112705 1991 start Fri 10:46 CMBase

Last edited by rdcwayx; 10-30-2009 at 11:57 AM..
# 6  
Old 10-30-2009
nawk '
        (NR == 1){
            print "UserID              Process ID      Time Active          Licence Type   User Name"
            print "------              ----------      -----------          ------------   ---------"

        /\(linger: 1800\)/{ sub("(linger: 1800)", "ChangeBase", $0) }

        ($NF != "(linger: 1800)"){$0 = $0 OFS "CMBase" }
                cmd = "cat /etc/passwd | grep "$4" | cut -d\":\" -f5"
                cmd | getline user
                printf("%-20s%-16s%-6s%-4s%-11s%-15s%-30s\n", $4,substr($7, p, length($7) -2),$8,$9,$11,$12,user)
' infile

Last edited by Franklin52; 11-05-2009 at 05:54 AM.. Reason: Adding code tags
# 7  
Old 10-30-2009
here's a little better version - a desired formatting is left as an exercise:
nawk '
    if (gsub("[(]linger: 1800[)]", "ChangeBase"))
    else {
      $0=$0 OFS "CMBase"
    cmd=cmdYP OFS $4 OFS "passwd"
    cmd | getline yp
    user=(split(yp, ypA, SEPyp))? ypA[5] : "unknown"

    print $4, $8, $9, $11, $12, user
  END {
        printf("\nUsers of SYNERGY-ChangeBase: (Total of 11 licenses issued; Total of %-2d licences in use)\n", chb)
        printf("Users of SYNERGY-CMBase: (Total of 12 licenses issued; Total of %-2d licences in use)\n", cmb)
        print "  NOTE: It is not possible to terminate SYNERGY-ChangeBase licences\n"
  }' myFile

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