Search through subfolders and move them into separate folder on the base of file size

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# 1  
Old 10-30-2009
Question Search through subfolders and move them into separate folder on the base of file size

Hello guys
I am sure that you will help me on this issue as you did earlier:Smilie
Scenario :
I have a folder named "XYZ". It consist many sub-folders and subfolder contain severals files. there may be abc.dat in each subfolder. Now i want to seperate subfolders on follwing conditions-
if abc.dat > 1kb (size) move all subfolders to folder healthy
if abc.dat <=1kb move all subfolders to folder unhealty
if there is no abc.dat move all subfolders to folder others.
So at the end we have 3 sub-folders named healthy, unhealty and others containing subfolders with differnt condition.

Please write a shell script for this .
Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 10-30-2009
Originally Posted by infiant
Please write a shell script for this .
do your own work. Show some effort.. what have you got ? if you are lost, here's a hint. you can use the find command with its options to find size, etc. check the man page. read the documentation.
# 3  
Old 10-30-2009
i am sorry but i would really appreciate if you give me the solution
# 4  
Old 10-30-2009
Originally Posted by infiant
i am sorry but i would really appreciate if you give me the solution
i/we will give solution to those who put in effort. Also, i have been very kind to give you a hint already. another hint: use find command's -size option to find file now, pull up your socks and start the ball rolling...
# 5  
Old 10-30-2009
if you don't have capability to solve this why u r wasting my time.
# 6  
Old 10-30-2009
He have the capability to solve but we are not here for answering the questions in the way you asked(unless you show some effort from your side). First learn to give respect to the senior forum members.

Read the forum rules before further posting.
# 7  
Old 10-30-2009
Hammer & Screwdriver

How do you know that he having capability to do this. Different people have different capability and as far as mine is concern i am not mad to just post my problem for fun. Please try to understand . I already tried but cant solve it.
hope you will give me the solution. and sorry for any misunderstandingSmilie
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