How to merge two files with a slight twist

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Old 10-28-2009
How to merge two files with a slight twist

Hi, a brief introduction on the soundex python module(english sound comparison):
a = "neu yorkk"
b = "new york city"
print soundex.sound_similar(a, b)


Suppose I want to merge two files, called mergeleft.csv and mergeright.csv

90,10007,neu york yanke
20,10007,new york met
44,10007,manhatten policemens
24,10007,manhatten policemen
64,20005,dc metros
34,20005,dc eagles

blue,10007,new york yankee
yellow,10007,new yorkk mets
red,10007,manhattan's policeman
white,10007,manhattan's policeman
red,20003,philly dog
blue,20005,dc metro
green,20005,dc eagle

These files are sorted first by zip then by name.
I want to merge the two files first by comparing zip code, and if the zip code match, for example, 10007, then compare the each of the name in mergeleft with each of the name in mergeright within the same zip code using soundex.sound_similar()

For exmaple,
in mergeleft.csv the zip code of neu york yanke is 10007

therefore ,"neu york yanke" would be compared with each of the 10007 zip-coded name in mergeright.csv, namely:
blue,10007,new york yankee
yellow,10007,new yorkk mets
red,10007,manhattan's policeman
white,10007,manhattan's policeman

If the soundex.sound_similar() output is 1, then merge the two lines. And if there is more than one possible match within the same zipcode group, assign 1 to the duplicate_flag without losing data.

desired output.csv:
90,blue,10007,new york yankee,0
20,yellow,10007,new yorkk mets,0
44,,10007,manhatten policemens,1
24,,10007,manhatten policemen,1
,red,10007,manhattan's policeman,1
,white,10007,manhattan's policeman,1
,red,20003,philly dog,0
64,blue,20005,dc metro,0
34,green,20005,dc eagle,0

Last edited by zaxxon; 10-28-2009 at 08:27 AM.. Reason: use code tags
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