You mean that -H is not available, or that the grep statement itself doesn't work. It would help everyone if you
a) stated your problem more clearly. Don't use things like "for exmaple", unless the example is reprasentative of your problem (which it wasnt in this case)
requires a different solution from
b) don't just say "it doesn't work". Explain WHAT doesn't work
-H is not a standard option (and you may not find it on many systems (certainly not AIX)).
In any case that wouldn't satisfy your "updated" requirement.
(by no means perfect...!)
Donīt exist a smal comand with cat?
e.g. grep "one" file1 /dev/null
There is certainly no small cat to do this, and grep isn't a little command like cat!
Last edited by Scott; 10-22-2009 at 05:32 PM..
Reason: fixed cut-paste error of code
You might try a script: like
# precat : cat a file with the filename prepended to each line
if [ -z "$FILE" ] ; then
echo " no file specified, and I do not care to handle stdin today"
exit 1
FOO=`basename $FILE`
if [ -f $FILE ] ; then
cat ${FILE} | while read line
echo "$FOO --- $line "
echo "Cannot read $FILE "
It messes with the formatting a bit, but is a easy 'first cut' that only requires shell.
Another pure shell solution
If you want to do it to multiple files, put it in a script and replace "file1" with "$1"
and run with: file1 file2
This should recursively walk through all dirictories and
search for a specified string in all present files, if found
output manicured content (eg some regex) with CAT into
a specified directory (eg /tmp/)
one by one, keeping the original names
This is what I have so far, which seems to... (1 Reply)
I have a directory that is restricted and I cannot just copy the files need, but I can cat them and redirect them to a new directory. The files all have the date listed in them. If I perform a long listing and grep for the date (150620) I can redirect that output to a text file. Now I need to... (5 Replies)
I have a file
# cat /root/llll
When I cat this file content to a variable inside a shell script and echo that shell script, it does not show up as separate lines. I need echo output similar to cat.
cat /root/
var=`cat /root/llll`
echo $var (2 Replies)
Hi All,
I have an input file containing data as below:
XXXXXXX|YYYYYYY|ZZZZZZZZZZ|12334446456|B|YY|111111111|111111111|111111111|111111111|15|3|NNNNNN|Y|3|AAA|111111111... (11 Replies)
I want to recursively cat the content of files in a directory e.g.
find /etc -type f -exec cat {} \;
But I want it to print the file name first and then the content. For example let's say /etc/statetab and /etc/colord.conf will be printed first then I want the output to look something like;
... (6 Replies)
I'm executing a menu script in which I `cat a file` but it's giving different output some times. Following is the code fragment taken from my script.
while true
cat procs.configured
echo ---------separator--------------
sleep 3
when I execute this code fragment, `cat` outputs... (2 Replies)
I need to concatenate data files with a .mp extension that are stored in directories by year. I want to keep the same filename as an output for example:
for the file name, which resides in the following subdirectories:
I want to:... (4 Replies)
I'm new to shell scripting and did a search on the forum to what I want to do but couldn't find anything.
I have about 9 routers that outputs to 1 syslog file daily named ex: cisco.2009.05.11.log
My goal is to make a parsing script that cats today's syslog... (2 Replies)
i searched the forum, but found no thread relate to this; so sorry if it's duplicated.
I'm using unix cat command but it gives no output. I check permission, owner and group; all of which are OK. I could do less and vi.
any suggestions?
thanks, (2 Replies)