How to add a column numbers at a particular position?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to add a column numbers at a particular position?
# 8  
Old 10-20-2009
Originally Posted by vgersh99
just a WILD guess:
Naaaah, this is not what the OP wants - the explanation is still not clear.
Simply to say, I just want to use a script to copy the last column numbers from the the first file added by hand to the other files which contain the same lines.
# 9  
Old 10-20-2009
bash 4
exec 6<"file1"
exec 7<"file2"
while read -a arr <&6 
    read line <&7
    echo "$line ${arr[@]:(-1)}" 
exec >&6-
exec >&7-

# 10  
Old 10-20-2009
.... just another WILD guess Smilie
awk '{$0=$0 FS (($1>=0)?1:2)}1' file

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