Convert .sh script into perl

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# 1  
Old 10-15-2009
Convert .sh script into perl

Good afternoon to you all

I really need your help

I have the following script developed in .sh and I need to convert it into perl. Can someone help me do it please?

Here´s the script:


cat /var/www/monitor/scripts/TestProbes/probelist.txt | while read probe


perl /var/www/monitor/scripts/slabb/ -s DNS -m Availability -c $probe
} >> /var/www/monitor/scripts/TestProbes/Probes/"$probe".txt

                      if [[ -s /var/www/monitor/scripts/TestProbes/Probes/"$probe".txt ]] ; then

 echo "Probe has data"


echo "Probe has no data" 


        rm /var/www/monitor/scripts/TestProbes/Probes/"$probe".txt
        touch /var/www/monitor/scripts/TestProbes/Probes/"$probe".txt
        chmod 777 /var/www/monitor/scripts/TestProbes/Probes/"$probe".txt



Last edited by pludi; 10-15-2009 at 02:53 PM.. Reason: code tags, please...
# 2  
Old 10-15-2009
Originally Posted by zarahel
Good afternoon to you all

I really need your help

I have the following script developed in .sh and I need to convert it into perl. Can someone help me do it please?

Here´s the script:


cat /var/www/monitor/scripts/TestProbes/probelist.txt | while read probe


perl /var/www/monitor/scripts/slabb/ -s DNS -m Availability -c $probe
} >> /var/www/monitor/scripts/TestProbes/Probes/"$probe".txt

                      if [[ -s /var/www/monitor/scripts/TestProbes/Probes/"$probe".txt ]] ; then

 echo "Probe has data"


echo "Probe has no data" 


        rm /var/www/monitor/scripts/TestProbes/Probes/"$probe".txt
        touch /var/www/monitor/scripts/TestProbes/Probes/"$probe".txt
        chmod 777 /var/www/monitor/scripts/TestProbes/Probes/"$probe".txt




All you are doing is running basic commands - half of which I can't understand what or why.

What will perl give you here?
# 3  
Old 10-16-2009
I need to integrate it on an application that only interprets perl.

The script is very simple as you said. It´s only a condition checking if a specific file is empty or not. I just want to convert it into perl.

---------- Post updated 10-16-09 at 11:15 AM ---------- Previous update was 10-15-09 at 04:02 PM ----------

# 4  
Old 10-16-2009
Few thing that you can start with to convert this into perl -

1) File opening /Reading from file/Writing to a file/Executing a script
2) Condition checking (file exist ?)

You can open the file for reading in perl using

You can read data from this file (alternate of while read line in unix)


How you will execute the perl script in side it ?
system(/var/www/monitor/scripts/slabb/ -s DNS -m Availability -c $probe);

How you will write the contents to a file $probe.txt ??

You can check the file exist or not using

if (- e $probe)
print "Probe exist\n";
print "Probe missing \n";

---Just assemble this idea into your perl script --

Last edited by jambesh; 10-16-2009 at 03:19 PM.. Reason: spell check
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