PERL: Extract random record which has 4 lines each

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# 1  
Old 10-13-2009
PERL: Extract random record which has 4 lines each


I have a data file with millions of record (N). Each record was saved in 4 lines. So there are total of NX4 lines in the data file.

For Example:


I would like to write a PERL script to extract 1000 random records , WITHOUT repeating/replacement. So, there is total of 4000 lines in output file.

Could you help me this ?

# 2  
Old 10-13-2009
what have you done to accomplish your desire to write a perl script for this? What problems are you having?
# 3  
Old 10-13-2009
I have code below to randomly select number of records (1 line for each record only) from file.
I'm thinking to modify this code in a way like, if the selected random number is 6, which means record 6 is picked, then it will retrieve lines from (5*4)+1 (which is 21) to line 24.

This is my first time writting perl script. Please help.


die "Usage: $0 <N>, where N is the number of lines to pick\n"
if @ARGV<1;
$N = shift@ARGV;

if (@pick < $N) {
push @pick,$_;
} else {
rand($.)<=$N and $pick[rand(@pick)]=$_;

print @pick;
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