Direct the invalid lines to a separate files

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Direct the invalid lines to a separate files
# 15  
Old 10-14-2009
MySQL same login using AWK..?

Thanks for the perl code.

I have a small doubt in the code. It is not retrieving the lines which contains less than the specified number of delimiters. If a line contains more than the number, it is not retrieving the same.
In the below case, a line with 152 delimiters will not be returned?
Any patch for the issue ?

Can we apply the same login using AWK..

Thank you

Originally Posted by skmdu
# cat a
ERRORline is this|lmonp|asdfasdf

# perl -e 'while (<>){ print unless (/^([^\|]*\|){150,}/); }' < a
ERRORline is this|lmonp|asdfasdf

# 16  
Old 10-14-2009
Originally Posted by anandapani

Your guess is absolutely correct,

Given code catered my requrement.
However, I have attached a small sample file, but actual file is a pipe delimited file with approx 150 fileds.
My objetive is to identify the records which are not having 150 delimiters...

So Could you please modify your code for my actual file??

Thanks a lot for your great help

---------- Post updated at 01:20 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:40 PM ----------

Can anybody help please
As you asked in you previous post, the perl code which I posted is to retrieve a row which are not having the minimum of 150 delimiter.

In my last post, execution of perl code didnt return a line which has 152 '|'. Is this what you expected? can you please clarify?

And you are saying "Its not retrieving the lines which contains less than the specified number of delimiters. If a line contains more than the number, it is not retrieving the same. " what does it mean? It prints nothing? Smilie

Showed in my last post it prints the line which has less than 150 | delimiters.
# 17  
Old 10-14-2009
MySQL am I clear ...


Previously I could have requested like this.

I want to have all the records which are not having 150 delimters. I want to see the records with < or > 150 delimiters.

If possible i want to capture all such records in a reject_file.

Am i clear now?
Please let me know if I can provide any kind of clarifications


Originally Posted by skmdu
As you asked in you previous post, the perl code which I posted is to retrieve a row which are not having the minimum of 150 delimiter.

In my last post, execution of perl code didnt return a line which has 152 '|'. Is this what you expected? can you please clarify?

And you are saying "Its not retrieving the lines which contains less than the specified number of delimiters. If a line contains more than the number, it is not retrieving the same. " what does it mean? It prints nothing? Smilie

Showed in my last post it prints the line which has less than 150 | delimiters.
# 18  
Old 10-14-2009
So as per your input, you want to retrieve the lines, which has < or > 150 | delimiters, not equal to 150. If am not wrong, this may help you.
# cat a
ERRORline is this|lmonp|asdfasdf
ERRORline is this|lmonp|asdfasdf|sfsdf|sdfsdf

In the above file, line which has number of 'a|' has totally 150 |.
The line which has number of 'b|' has totally 160 |.
so it should not retrieve a| line.

# perl -e 'while (<> ){ print if(/^([^\|]*\|){1,149}[^|]*$/ || /^([^\|]*\|){151,}/); }' < a
ERRORline is this|lmonp|asdfasdf
ERRORline is this|lmonp|asdfasdf|sfsdf|sdfsdf

# 19  
Old 10-14-2009
awk -F'|' 'NF != 152' in_file > reject_file

For 150 Field Separator(delimiter) you will have 152 fields.
# 20  
Old 10-14-2009
MySQL awk not accepting more than 99 fields

Awk fails to run if the NF > 99. gawk can be used in place, but my shell is not having that command. So I thought to do it with perl logic.
But in the given code, it retrieves all the rows with more than 150 delimiters. My intentition is to filter all the records those not having 150 delimiters.

Therefore, code has to filter recors not only with 151 limiters but also with 149 delimiters.

If I am not clear, please let me know.

Originally Posted by danmero
awk -F'|' 'NF != 152' in_file > reject_file

For 150 Field Separator(delimiter) you will have 152 fields.
# 21  
Old 10-14-2009
Originally Posted by anandapani
Awk fails to run if the NF > 99.
Yours , not my Smilie

Originally Posted by anandapani
gawk can be used in place, but my shell is not having that command.
awk, gawk, nawk,mawk are stand-alone utility not builtin shell.
What OS you run?

Originally Posted by anandapani
So I thought to do it with perl logic.
If works for you why not.

Warning on Forum Rules (10) Smilie
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