sed and regular expressions

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# 1  
Old 10-09-2009
sed and regular expressions

There's a bug using JavaDoc that generates an error if a tag <a...> is found in a javadoc comment, which is not a HTML reference. For example this error is produced with generics. I want to insert an space between "<" and "a". Expression is able to find where this happens using find and grep:
find . -iname "*.java" | xargs grep -E "[:space:]*\*+.*<[aA][^[:space:]].*"
But i'm not able to generate the output expression. I don't know how keep the first part of expressión (until "<") add an space, and concatenate with the second part. For example, from:
* List<AlmacenOrdenacion>). Debería pasar...
* List< AlmacenOrdenacion>). Debería pasar...
Just and a space between "List<" and "Almacen".
I'm trying to get all lines using above find command. Use cut -d "<" to separate parts, add an space and finally use sed to substitute in file. But I guess there must be an easy way using sed with regular expressions.

Anyone can help me?

# 2  
Old 10-09-2009
Not sure if I got it - made it a bit more generic so it doesn't matter what kind of character comes after the "<":
echo '* List<AlmacenOrdenacion>). Debería pasar...'| sed 's/</< /'
* List< AlmacenOrdenacion>). Debería pasar...

# 3  
Old 10-13-2009
I'll try to ask the question in other way. In my Java file I have a line with this text:
* List<AlmacenOrdenacion>). Deberá pasar el id del recinto y el tipo de

And I want to change to:
* List< AlmacenOrdenacion>). Deberá pasar el id del recinto y el tipo de

Just add an space between "List<" and "AlmacenOrdenacion", because of this Javadoc bug.

Now I'm trying to run next command, but it doesn't work. The file doesn't change at all.
sed -i 's/ * List<AlmacenOrdenacion>). Deberá pasar el id del recinto y el tipo de/ * List< AlmacenOrdenacion>). Deberá pasar el id del recinto y el tipo de/g' ./
Why the file "./" is not modified? It really has a line with that text.

# 4  
Old 10-13-2009
$ cat >
* List<AlmacenOrdenacion>). Deberá pasar el id del recinto y el tipo de

$sed -i 's/List</List< /'

$ cat
* List< AlmacenOrdenacion>). Deberá pasar el id del recinto y el tipo de

# 5  
Old 10-13-2009
I can't tell why sed -i is not working. Maybe write it to a tmp file and mv it back to the original or use perl -i or have something like:

printf 'sed "$\nr infile2\ns/</< /\nw! infile2\n1d\nq!'| ex -

# 6  
Old 10-13-2009
Originally Posted by skmdu
$ cat >
* List<AlmacenOrdenacion>). Deberá pasar el id del recinto y el tipo de

$sed -i 's/List</List< /'

$ cat
* List< AlmacenOrdenacion>). Deberá pasar el id del recinto y el tipo de

I can't do that because it will replace all List<..> occurrences, and project won't compile.
Only javadoc comments where generic begins with an "A" must be replaced. It's there where bug makes javadoc fail.

Originally Posted by zaxxon
I can't tell why sed -i is not working. Maybe write it to a tmp file and mv it back to the original or use perl -i or have something like:

printf 'sed "$\nr infile2\ns/</< /\nw! infile2\n1d\nq!'| ex -

I'll try, though I don't understand syntax...

Could be because of encoding charset? If I edit file with gedit I see words like "Deberá" correctly, but with sed (or cat) I see "Deber�". It's Spanish and that must be without orthographic mistakes. If that is the problem, is there a way to say sed which is the encoding?

Thanks Smilie

---------- Post updated at 02:08 PM ---------- Previous update was at 01:28 PM ----------

I finally solved!!!
Just before running sed command, I use iconv to convert encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8. Then sed has no problems to replace.

Thanks all.

Last edited by AlbertGM; 10-13-2009 at 08:48 AM..
# 7  
Old 10-13-2009
That thing with printf and ex I got from a post from vgersh99; excellent thing to print the commands for ex, which has a syntax similar to sed etc. to instruct it what to do with the file. Glad you made it.
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