Deleting particular lines.

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# 8  
Old 10-09-2009
Originally Posted by kashifv
ripat, Please complete syntax.
Your input file looks like the o/p of an ls command, so it was just a hint that the find command can display only the directories with the -type option.

find /path_to_scan/ -type d

# 9  
Old 10-12-2009
sorry skmdu for the late reply.

yes all these paths exists in a file and i have to read that file and then i have to delete all those lines from that file which represent to files and keep only those lines which represent to folders.

and let me tell you one more thing that these paths are real path and exit on the server.
# 10  
Old 10-12-2009

#! /usr/bin/sh

exec<"a" #a is a filename in which list of paths and filenames are there.
while read line
if [ -d $line ]
echo $line;

$ mkdir /tmp/testing_this.txt
$ mkdir /tmp/testing_this.t.t

$cat a


# 11  
Old 10-12-2009
Thank You skmdu. its working fine. thanks again.
# 12  
Old 10-14-2009

sorry to disturb again. the solution is ok but i have got a problem with it.

while read line
	if [ -d $line ]
	echo $line ;

this script is ok when i run it alone. but when i use this thing in my other script then i get strange behavior. after completing task it doesn't quit and goes in some loop and i have to press crtl+c to end it.

so is there any other solution for it?
# 13  
Old 10-15-2009
Try with this,

while read line
if [ -d $line ]
echo $line ;
Still if you find issue, post your whole script, if possible.

---------- Post updated at 01:54 AM ---------- Previous update was at 01:54 AM ----------

Try with this,

while read line
	if [ -d $line ]
	echo $line ;

Still if you find issue, post your whole script, if possible.
# 14  
Old 10-15-2009
ok thanks skmdu. its working fine now. actually i noticed one thing that after exec my "read -ep" command wasn't working properly and was unable to prompt for any input. may be there is some other way to use it. anyhow its working now. thanks.
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