How to read n number of lines from a file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to read n number of lines from a file
# 43  
Old 02-17-2010

Hello frd,

The code is working fine.SmilieSmilie

Can you plz able to explain me the codeSmilie

Thanks againSmilieSmilie
# 44  
Old 02-17-2010

I am very poor in explaining the things. Here is a short description of what i did:

check the maximum value in the second column by using the conventional method in programming to find the largest number , and at the same time copy that row in to a variable , in the END print the max value and the corresponding row.
# 45  
Old 02-26-2010
Hello frds!!!

Hi frds,

I dowloaded a file from net which ends with .bz2 extension den i unzipped the file using the command bunzip2 -d filename. Now i want to view the content of that file my OS is fedora7 please anyone help me regarding this.SmilieSmilie

Thanks SmilieSmilie
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