Shell Script to continuously scan a log file

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# 1  
Old 10-09-2009
Shell Script to continuously scan a log file

Hello members,

I have some doubts on how to write a script that can reports success / failure of a batch job ?

1. Run a batch job:

2. Wait and search for a particular string in the Log file:
tail -f log01*.txt | egrep -v "^SUCCESSFUL" 
   echo "continue with the other tasks"
     tail -f log01*.txt | egrep -v "^FAILURE"
   echo "Process failed!!"

My questions are :
1. My batch job is likely to create a couple of logs with of type log01*.txt. How do I ensure the script scans through each of those logs to find either of the strings? I'm assuming the '*' can help me with this.

2. Do I continuously scan the log file ( that might still be in the "generation" state ) or wait until the logfile is created completely and then scan for a string ? In this case, how does the script detect that a particular log file has generated successfully, so that it can search for a string ?


# 2  
Old 10-09-2009
Maybe this is an alternative for you -> Swatch
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