Korn Shell - Finding lowest number of a file.

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# 1  
Old 10-07-2009
Korn Shell - Finding lowest number of a file.

I'm writing a KSH script that will get a file on the command line (such as input.txt), and in this file there is on number per line. The program needs to take the file, read each and determine the lowest number in the file. I currently have a while loop setup that will correctly out put every number in the file, but I need a way to single each one out, determine if it's bigger than the previous and then will output the lowest.
# 2  
Old 10-07-2009
What did you try ? Post your script using [code] tags to see where you got stuck.
# 3  
Old 10-07-2009
I am attempting to do the same thing. I have a file named: Text1

the contents of this file:


My program looks like this:
read myVar1 < Text1
while read myVar2; do
       if [[ $myVar1<$myVar2 ]] then
                  print $myVar1
                  print $myVar2
done < Text1

so this is what I am trying to do. The program will read the text file, it will then determine the lowest number in that file and print that number. I know that my program is not finished, but currently it just returns blank lines....wait no it now displays "Done unexpected". I have been fiddling with this for awhile and am really confused. BTW I am new to KSH

Last edited by pludi; 10-08-2009 at 02:17 AM..
# 4  
Old 10-08-2009
I am attempting to do the same thing. I have a file named: Text1

the contents of this file:


My program looks like this:
read myVar1 < Text1
while read myVar2; do
if [[ $myVar1<$myVar2 ]] then
print $myVar1
print $myVar2
done < Text1

so this is what I am trying to do. The program will read the text file, it will then determine the lowest number in that file and print that number. I know that my program is not finished, but currently it just returns blank lines....wait no it now displays "Done unexpected". I have been fiddling with this for awhile and am really confused. BTW I am new to KSH

Last edited by pludi; 10-08-2009 at 02:15 AM.. Reason: Code tags, please...
# 5  
Old 10-08-2009
# awk '{max=(max>$1)?max:$1}END{print max}' file

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# 6  
Old 10-08-2009

It looks like I am in the same situation but I am receiving a different output. Below is my script, ref, and output:

Script (.._.ksh):
read myVar1 < num.txt
while read myVar2; do
if [[ $myVar1<$myVar2 ]] then
print $myVar1
print $myVar2
done < num.txt

Reference (num.txt):




Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Last edited by pludi; 10-08-2009 at 02:21 AM.. Reason: code tags!!!
# 7  
Old 10-08-2009
Originally Posted by MeatCookie
It looks like I am in the same situation but I am receiving a different output.
Originally Posted by danmero
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