simple awk question: split field with :

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting simple awk question: split field with :
# 1  
Old 10-07-2009
simple awk question: split field with :

Probably a very weak question.. but I have tried all I know..
BPC0001:ANNUL_49542     0.0108     -0.0226     -0.0236      0.0042      0.0033     -0.0545      0.0376      0.0097     -0.0093     -0.032   Control
 BPC0002:ANNUL_49606     0.0190     -0.0142     -0.0060     -0.0217     -0.0027     -0.0314      0.0048      0.0267      0.0015      0.007  Control
 BPC0003:ANNUL_49702     0.0151     -0.0006      0.0029     -0.0262     -0.0458      0.0170      0.0006      0.0022      0.0288     -0.041  Control
 BPC0004:ANNUL_49544     0.0091      0.0078     -0.0004     -0.0115     -0.0148      0.0002      0.0544      0.0001     -0.0203     -0.054    Control

Output required
BPC0001     ANNUL_49542     0.0108     -0.0226     -0.0236      0.0042      0.0033     -0.0545      0.0376      0.0097     -0.0093     -0.032   Control
 BPC0002    ANNUL_49606     0.0190     -0.0142     -0.0060     -0.0217     -0.0027     -0.0314      0.0048      0.0267      0.0015      0.007  Control
 BPC0003    ANNUL_49702     0.0151     -0.0006      0.0029     -0.0262     -0.0458      0.0170      0.0006      0.0022      0.0288     -0.041  Control
 BPC0004    ANNUL_49544     0.0091      0.0078     -0.0004     -0.0115     -0.0148      0.0002      0.0544      0.0001     -0.0203     -0.054    Control

What I tried so far:
awk -FS:'{gsub(":","\t"); print $0}'

awk '{gsub(/:/\/\t/){print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6}}'

awk: ^ backslash not last character on line
# 2  
Old 10-07-2009

Based on your data...
tr ':' '\t' input_file

If you want to use awk, then sub( ":", "\t", $1 )
# 3  
Old 10-07-2009
nawk 'gsub(":", OFS)' OFS='\t' myFile

# 4  
Old 10-07-2009
hi vgersh,
nawk not available on the system.
Any other remedies?
Sorry, found that awk words the same as nawk !!Smilie

Last edited by genehunter; 10-07-2009 at 09:37 PM.. Reason: felt like an idiot for not trying out awk
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