Help understanding a script

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# 1  
Old 10-05-2009
Help understanding a script

Hello everybody,

Can anybody tell me of what "~" refers to in the below code snippet.

lsvg $vgNAME | awk 'BEGIN {freeDISK=1} {if (($4 ~ /PP/ && $5 ~ /SIZE/) || ($4 ~ /FREE/ && $5 ~ /PPs/)) {freeDISK *= $6 }} END {print freeDISK*1024 }'

Thanks in advance,
# 2  
Old 10-05-2009
Originally Posted by tenderfoot
Hello everybody,

Can anybody tell me of what "~" refers to in the below code snippet.

lsvg $vgNAME | awk 'BEGIN {freeDISK=1} {if (($4 ~ /PP/ && $5 ~ /SIZE/) || ($4 ~ /FREE/ && $5 ~ /PPs/)) {freeDISK *= $6 }} END {print freeDISK*1024 }'

Thanks in advance,
it mean if the field ($4 or $5) contain the pattern in /pattern/

($4 ~ /PP/ && $5 ~ /SIZE/ # means if $4 contains (or include) the word  PP and $5 
contains (or include) the word "SIZE"


# 3  
Old 10-05-2009
in awk version, ~ means equal to

here it says, if column4=PP and column5=SIZE or column4=FREE and column5=PPs then...
# 4  
Old 10-05-2009
Thanks so much.. ahmad.diab and Amit.Sagpariya

If I got it right, in awk "~" mean "="

and otherwise "~" = "home directory"

Please let me know.
# 5  
Old 10-05-2009
In Awk ~ does not mean =

The (AIX) man page puts it like this:

Signifies a conditional statement that a specified variable matches (tilde) or does not match (tilde, exclamation point) the regular expression.
it mean if the field ($4 or $5) contain the pattern in /pattern/
# 6  
Old 10-05-2009
Originally Posted by Amit.Sagpariya
in awk version, ~ means equal to

here it says, if column4=PP and column5=SIZE or column4=FREE and column5=PPs then...
No, that's not correct.
'man nawk' yields:
     expr ~ expr       ERE match                  numeric            none
     expr !~ expr      ERE non-match               numeric           none

     A regular expression can be matched against a specific field
     or  string by using one of the two regular expression match-
     ing operators, ~ and !~.  These  operators  interpret  their
     right-hand  operand  as a regular expression and their left-
     hand operand as a string. If the regular expression  matches
     the  string,  the ~ expression evaluates to the value 1, and
     the !~ expression evaluates to the value 0. If  the  regular
     expression  does  not  match  the  string,  the ~ expression
     evaluates to the value 0, and the !~ expression evaluates to
     the  value  1.  If  the right-hand operand is any expression
     other than the lexical token ERE, the string  value  of  the
     expression is interpreted as an extended regular expression,
     including the escape  conventions  described  above.  Notice
     that  these  same escape conventions also are applied in the
     determining the value of a string literal (the lexical token
     STRING),  and is applied a second time when a string literal
     is used in this context.

# 7  
Old 10-05-2009
I got it now...

Thanks so much..
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