I look help in tar xvf

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting I look help in tar xvf
# 1  
Old 10-05-2009
I look help in tar xvf

I have copied one compressed file from one directory to another directory
say finame.txt.tar.gz copied from FirstDirectory to SecondDirecory

cd FirstDirectory  /
cp finame.txt.tar.gz  SecondDirecory
cd SecondDirecory/

once i do gunzip to finame.txt.tar.gz it, the file got decompressed into second directory

but when i execute tar xvf finame.txt.tar, the file got extracted in the FirstDirectory not in the SecondDirecory.

Please i look for help

thank you

Last edited by pludi; 10-05-2009 at 10:09 AM.. Reason: code tags
# 2  
Old 10-05-2009
How was the archive created? What's the output (first few lines) of 'tar tf finame.txt.tar'?
# 3  
Old 10-05-2009
the following is the code to create the archive

tar cvf /FirstDirectory/finame.txt.tar  /FirstDirectory/finame.txt
gzip /FirstDirectory/finame.txt.tar

the output (first few lines) of 'tar tf finame.txt.tar looks like

x /FirstDirectory/finame.txt, 1374709659 bytes, 2684980 tape blocks

Last edited by pludi; 10-05-2009 at 10:10 AM.. Reason: code tags
# 4  
Old 10-05-2009
Seems like the archive is automatically created using absolute path names. Check the man page for tar for any option to turn this off, or use this code instead:
cd /
tar cf FirstDirectory/finame.txt.tar FirstDirectory/finame.txt

# 5  
Old 10-05-2009
could you help in turn off the option of using absolute path names. i searched but found nothing
the code in your mail didn't work

thank you
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