executing command from subdirectories

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# 1  
Old 10-01-2009
executing command from subdirectories


I've been trying to run 'ls -1R | wc -l' inside of sub directories to in order to determine how big each folder is.

find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | while read folder

    cd "$folder" &&
        echo "$folder has $(ls -1R | wc -l) files" &&
    cd ..


for folder in `ls -1S`; do 
    cd "$folder" &&
        NUMFILES=$(ls -1R | wc -l)
        FOLDERLIST='  $folder contains $NUMFILES files.'
    echo $FOLDERLIST >> ../filelist.txt && 
    cd ..

I know the second one works as long as I ignore the errors, but it does not work with directory names with spaces.
# 2  
Old 10-01-2009

Try putting quotes (") around the `ls -1S` part.

Better is not to use this style, but

ls -1S | while read folder; do

With the style you chose, you're at the mercy of how long your arg list can be. With read, you are not.

Also with "read folder" the space problem is not an issue.

To get rid of the errors direct them to /dev/null
cd $folder 2> /dev/null

Or better perhaps
cd $folder 2> /dev/null || continue

Last edited by Scott; 10-01-2009 at 05:23 PM.. Reason: added bit about errors
# 3  
Old 10-01-2009
Maybe use this?

function my_function
    for file_or_directory in *;do
        [[ -d "${file_or_directory}" ]] && {
            cd "${file_or_directory}"
            cd "${OLDPWD}"
    return 0

Last edited by pludi; 10-03-2009 at 05:12 PM.. Reason: code tags please
# 4  
Old 10-03-2009

Thanks adderek. Your solution fixed everything.

Here is the final code:
for file_or_directory in *;do
[[ -d "${file_or_directory}" ]] && {
    cd "${file_or_directory}"
    echo "${file_or_directory} has $(ls -1R | wc -l) files"
    cd "${OLDPWD}"

and outputs:
clients has 7099 files
current projects has 1230 files
orgainise has 1733 files
toserver has 60203 files
webiste stuff has 831 files

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