Delete character from a word

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# 1  
Old 09-30-2009
Delete character from a word

Friends, I'm looking for a command that delete the first tho caractere in a word. Here is an exp :

I want to replace "20091001" by "091001"

or "replace" by "place"

# 2  
Old 09-30-2009
By GNU date

date -d 20091001 "+%y%m%d"


Or by Awk:

echo "20091001" | awk '{print substr($1,length($1)-5)}'

Last edited by rdcwayx; 09-30-2009 at 11:22 PM..
# 3  
Old 09-30-2009
Thank you,

In fact i'm trying to get time 15 min ago, so i'm using this command :

feefth=`perl -e '($s,$m,$h,$J,$M,$A) = localtime(time - 15*60) and printf("%d%02d%02d%02d%02d\n",$A+1900,$M+1,$J,$h,$m)'`

But the result is : 20091001.0155

I need it to be only : 0910010155
# 4  
Old 10-01-2009
with GNUdate

$ date  +%Y%m%d%H%M

$ date -d "15 minutes ago" +%y%m%d%H%M

# 5  
Old 10-01-2009
Thank you, it's working !
# 6  
Old 10-01-2009
Originally Posted by newpromo
In fact i'm trying to get time 15 min ago
I just ask myself what is the relationship between your thread title and your problem Smilie
# 7  
Old 10-01-2009
In fact i tried to make my request more general to make it easy for you to help me, i give two exp : "20091001" by "091001" and "replace" by "place"

deleting the caracteres "20" from the word "20091001" to be "091001"

and deleting the caracteres "re" from the word "replace" tp be "place".

I found also an other solution by leaving "20" static in my script because it's not going to change very soon !!!

Anyway, thanks for your help and i'm very glad to have a quick answer to my first post Smilie
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