SED remove line feed and add to certain area

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting SED remove line feed and add to certain area
# 8  
Old 09-28-2009
Originally Posted by sreejitnair123
Sorry I didn't understand

Here we change the OtherRecordSeparator, if the condition is true set the ORS to RecordSeparator(the default is new line), else set the ORS to OFS(Other filed separator) declared at the end.
1 is true and will print each record after processing.

Maybe a solution more clear for you will be:
awk -F'[<|>]' '{sub(/^[ \t]+/, "");gsub("><",">\n<");if($2~"xml\|AUDITRECORDS\|\/CARF"){print}else{printf}}' file

# 9  
Old 09-28-2009
Thanks a lot ... I understood it completely...

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