calling expect script in ksh is failing via cron

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# 1  
Old 09-23-2009
calling expect script in ksh is failing via cron

I'm calling an expect script via a ksh script in cron and it is failing. The script runs fine if i run it manually. Does anyone know if it is an issue with compatibilty and if there is a way around it?
# 2  
Old 09-23-2009
Originally Posted by bhatia
.. expect script ... The script runs fine if i run it manually...
Based on the only information you are giving, I will try to look for a problem with environment variable(s) not set when cron runs it.
If you have no idea which one is causing problem, a wild guess would be to add your .profile in your script.
# 3  
Old 09-24-2009
some of the things you can consider Adding PATH to the script.
in expect script call spawn process with complete path. all ENV variables examples SHELL etc to be hardcoded ...

Well these are some things I had to fix to run my expect script from cron/autosys
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