Record the Signal Type or Number in Bash Trap function

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Record the Signal Type or Number in Bash Trap function
# 1  
Old 09-18-2009
Record the Signal Type or Number in Bash Trap function

In my Bash script I have an exit/cleanup function in a trap statement like:
  • trap exitCleanup 1 2 3 6 15 25

Is there anyway to capture which signal # has occurred to record in a log file. Please note I am trying to avoid something like:
  • trap 'mySignal=1; exitCleanup' 1
  • trap 'mySignal=2; exitCleanup' 2
  • trap 'mySignal=3; exitCleanup' 3
  • trap 'mySignal=6; exitCleanup' 6
  • trap 'mySignal=15; exitCleanup' 15
  • trap 'mySignal=25; exitCleanup' 25

I was wondering if there was some BASH Variable that I could use like:
  • trap 'mySignal=${BASH_LAST_SIGNAL}; exitCleanup' 25
# 2  
Old 09-18-2009
According to bash man page:

The return value of a simple command is its exit status, or 128+n if
the command is terminated by signal n.


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